Thursday, December 8, 2016

Plugging In Again

Hello this is Odie. I just received this update from Mom and Dad. I hope you have a great day.  Dad you can take it from here. 


Kelly Jo and I have been almost completely unplugged from civilization for eleven days. We have been without phone service in Nigeria two weeks longer than that. Saturday night that all changes. 

We should be back at The Lazy OD Ranch with full internet by Saturday night. Although we have no phone signal when the BoggsMobile is parked in the barn, but we are only a few steps away from it.   

We will be immersed in family, friends, church, fellowship, news, email, texting, blogging and all the rest. It will be good to be back but honestly, it has been very good to be away. 

We needed the time. We needed the rest. We needed the space. We needed the seclusion. Our time in Nigeria was absolutely awesome and our days of rest were almost heavenly. 

Now we need to get back to our families, our friends and our responsibilities. 

The next two weeks we have a few bus and barn projects to complete, other special projects, three Christmas services to prepare for and lots of holiday family time.  

I am sure the time will fly by and soon we will be on the road again. December 30th will roll around and the BoggsMobile will make its first stop in Sullivan, Missouri. From there, it will be a wonderful ride. 

I noticed right before we went to Nigeria (Thanks to Bro. Alan and Sis. Tammy Harris) that our schedule needs to be updated. I will get on that right away when we arrive home. Then you will know where the road will take us the next few months.  

We will be in the swing of things before you know it. Yep, it has been good to be away but it is time to get plugged in again. 

Thanks for reading. 


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas 2016

Happy Wednesday, Odie coming to you from Waynesville, Ohio. It has been a great day. First off was a lunch stop at Alcapulco. It was absolutely delicious! I guess I was so excited to drink salsa and eat food that I forgot to snap pictures. I am so sorry, Dad, I know that is major blog fail. 

I heard from my parents early this morning and they are doing well. I hope they have an awesome end to their trip. 

It is Christmas time, I love this time of year. I get excited about the music, lights, decorations, shopping, food and Egg Nog. Everything about this time of year is exciting to me!

We know Jesus is the true reason for this season. I see a I sign in the store the other day it said, "Christmas is not about presents, it is about His presence." That is a true statement that keeps ringing in my ears. I am eternally grateful for His presence every day of the year. 

I thought today I would share some of the Christmas decorations around me this year. 

Gran and Papaw's House

2016 version of the full tree

A few of my special ornaments 

My first ornament 31 years ago 

Me around age 3

Another personalized ornament on their tree. 

I love the lighted garland on the banister 


Mamaw and Papaw's House 

Lastly here is my tree in my bedroom. 

Thanks for checking in today. 


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

California Visits Ohio

Hey Friends, Odie here on this terrific Tuesday. I posted twice yesterday please read both post if you missed them. First I blogged about my cousin Wade's 12th birthday party and the  second post was an update from my Parents. 

I am glad to be back home in Waynesville. I had a wonderful visit with my Hillsboro family and look forward to seeing them  soon. Today I spent some time with my Gran and Papaw Christmas shopping. Now I am settled in to enjoy a quiet evening. 

Before Thanksgiving I had a special treat of seeing Bro. Jared Burris and family. I am always so glad when their visits to family are when we are home too. It was a bummer that Mom and Dad missed seeing them this time around! 

The Burris Family are dear friends and are no stranger to the blog. We love every chance we get to cross paths with them. We are always looking forward to our next trip to California to visit them. 

Last Christmas Bro. Jared and J.C. Burris helped us on a big project at the Lazy OD Ranch. Dad was excited for them to see the progress that He made on the project. Papaw Eugene and Uncle Steve were kind enough to show them around when the Burris men stopped by the Ranch. 

The two times I was able to see our dear friends while they were in Ohio were way to short. I look forward to seeing them somewhere along the road. 

Below are a few pics of the Burris crew. Thanks for stopping by and reading. 


Grant and Odie 

J.C. and Odie 

Gunner, Emily, J.C., Odie, and Bro. Jared

Odie, Sis. Valerie and Bro. Jared

Uncle Steve, Gunner, Grant, J.C. and Bro. Jared

Monday, December 5, 2016

Update From Davy and Kelly Jo

Hey Friends, this is Odie checking in for the second time today. Click here if you missed my original post today. I am posting again because I just received this update from my parents. I will let Dad finish this post. 

Hello, Friends and Family. I want to let you know Kelly Jo and I are doing well, feeling good, resting much and recharging wonderfully. We have had no phone signal and very little WiFi. In fact we have only had access to the Internet for short stretches of time when we seek out a restaurant with WiFi. 

During those times we have been exchanging messages with Odie and our families. We have even seen their faces while talking a few minutes with FaceTime on our iPhones with WiFi. That is so cool. 

We should have WiFi Friday evening and we should be back at the Lazy OD Ranch by late Saturday night. We are looking forward to seeing Odie and the whole gang soon. 

We have not been able to read much of Odie's posts while we have been disconnected but I am sure she has done well. Hopefully she has kept our millions of readers informed. 

Thank you for reading each day. 


Happy 12th Birthday Wade

Hello, This is Odie reporting in from Hillsboro, Ohio. I had a wonderful weekend with my family here. Yesterday morning I got a quick FaceTime call from my parents. It was great to see them for a few minutes. I miss them so much and I am looking forward to seeing them later this week. I am looking forward to hearing about all their travels. 

Friday night was an exciting time, it was my cousin Wade's birthday party. I was so glad to be there to help him celebrate. 12 years ago our world got a lot brighter and sweeter when Wade Ross was born. He is growing into a wonderful young man. I can not believe he is now 12. I Love you, Wade.

Thanks for reading! I will let the party pics finish the post. 


The Birthday Boy

 Aunt Kim, Me and Morgan 

The cake 

Kayla and I wearing our Under Amour hoodies. Gran and Papaw bought us these hoodies last Christmas and we love them. 

Typical Gade Abrams and he approved this pic for the blog. There is your blog shoutout, Gade. 

Crazy Seth 

Seth and Hunter 

Morgan and Hogan

Wade with his friends Hogan and Evan

Uncle Danny and Papaw Danny 

Gran, Kim, Jeanna and Courtney 


He was excited about his gifts 

I love my Aunt Kim


Sunday, December 4, 2016

A Saturday Full of Excitement

Hi, I hope you are having a super Sunday. I was able to talk to my parents a few minutes yesterday and they are doing good. Their wifi has been limited and it is always good to hear from them. 

Thank you to all of you have been supporting me on my hunt this week. I am still without deer but I have had so much fun. We are learning they ways I need to go about making my dream a reality. 

It was so close to being realized yesterday. Sadly I only have deer hair to had to my collection. I guess as of now I am a deer barber. Once again the deer ran away unhurt. 

We did have 5 turkeys come out yesterday morning. It was great thing to see. 

In the afternoon Morgan joined us in the blind. It was a fun afternoon spent with our uncle. We had lots of excitement during our time together. 

Uncle Danny, thank you for a fabulous week of hunting!! I appreciate all your hard work. I love you so much!

Thanks for reading!
