Saturday, October 29, 2016

My Birthday and The Isaacs

Hello, this is Odie and I am checking in from the BoggsMobile at home in Waynesville, Ohio. Before I get to the main subject of this post, I want to wish Carli Milikin a Happy Birthday. Carli Rose I hope you have a fantastic 10th birthday! We love you! We loved eating lunch with you and your family yesterday.


My Birthday and The Isaacs 

We left the tent site in Fayetteville last Saturday, but as Dad told you in Monday's post he had a detour planned for Sunday night. This detour was a surprise birthday gift for me. I did not suspect it.

Now as an faithful Isaacs schedule watcher, I will admit I knew they were close (Within a few hours of us) Sunday night. I also knew they were not on our route home. I knew we could not go and I was okay with that.

When the BoggsMobile got sick on the road Sunday I had no idea what in the world we were going to do. Then Dad came inside and explained his original plan to me. He had intended to pull into the church where the Isaacs were setting up a few hours early and surprise me. There was no way that was going to happen with the bus broke down.

Dad apologized that it did not work out the way he planned. He then told me to be ready in 20 minutes, that Mom and I were taking the Green Machine to see the Isaacs and that he would follow when the BoggsMobile was rolling again. I was shocked and surprised!

We were able to cross paths with the Isaacs in Mobile, Alabama back in January. I was very ready to see them again!  It had not worked out again so far this year, although we did get to spend a few hours with Ben in Nashville in February.

Sunday night was an amazing night with the Isaacs. The church was full of people ready to hear some incredible singing and music.

The Isaacs did a few favorites from their older projects. Most of the concert they featured new music from Nature's Symphony in 432. I love getting to hear the new music live and in person. I can not get enough of the new music. It is awesome and I have listened to it daily since it was released in September. 

It was an awesome evening! Once again the talent of my favorite group leaves me speechless and amazed. 

I met some fellow Isaacs fans. We had a great time getting acquainted. I will probably bump into them at another Isaacs concert along the road. 

It was so good to see two of my favorite little guys. Gatlyn in now 10 months old and Adyen is 5 years old and loving kindergarten. They are special fellows and I love every chance I get to see them. 

We were able to visit some with all the gang. We love any time we get the to visit with them. To all the Isaacs, I love you and you are the best. 

Mark and I decided to try teamwork at get the equipment ready to load. 


Then Dad decided I needed to be loaded in the trailer with the rest of the equipment. 

Then the BoggsMobile and Green Machine are ready to roll on down the road. I am already anticipating seeing the Isaacs again very soon. 

Before I close for today, I want to give this beautiful lady a shout out on the blog. Becky you are amazing. Thank you for being my friend and a great inspiration!! I love you!


Thank You to my parents for a great birthday gift! I do appreciate your efforts to make this surprise a reality.

Thank you for stopping by Boggsblogs. If you are new here, we try to post daily on our family's travels and life. We love having you along for the ride with us. 
