Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Revival In Pictures - City Reach Ft. Worth

The tent came down Sunday night and I slept like a baby afterward. It rained all night long and I did catch myself about to jump out of bed in order to check on the tent. Then I would remember the tent was down dry and I would smile as I drifted back to sleep.

I will try to post a summary of City Reach Ft. Worth in the next week or so but we have a great batch of pictures to show you from the last four nights. This was a great meeting and the pictures can only tell part of the story. I do hope you enjoy it though.

Bro. Shobanke praying for folks Friday night.

It was so good to have Bro. James Martin and some of his girls with us Friday night.

Our dear friends from Pauls Valley came down to see us Saturday night and it was super great to have them!

Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayan

Matt lives near the tent and showed up the day we were setting it up. He worked hard all week to help us and we appreciate it very much.

I include this picture taken during the end of the service. I was trying to get the cajun food truck in the background. These folks stopped by the tent one afternoon and offered to make lunch for Bro. JJ and Bro. Jimmie free of charge. They had eaten a few moments before so they regretfully declined the offer. The men gave them an offering for City Reach in place of the free meal. That is pretty neat.

Bro. Jimmie clowning around during sound check!

We took down the lights and cords before service on Sunday afternoon.

As soon as service was over we started putting things away and taking down the tent. I will have pictures of that whole process another day.

I hope you enjoyed the Revival in Pictures from City Reach Ft. Worth! Thanks for reading.


Monday, May 30, 2016

#22 Weekend Woundup and Weview

This weekend was a wild roller coaster ride weather wise but it was still a great weekend after all. Thursday overnight we had two massive storms blow through so Friday was a very soggy day.

We were able to park cars on the tent site Friday night but we could not park on all of it. The folks parked tight on the section we could use and others parked in other lots and walked to the tent. It worked out good. The weather during service Friday night was perfect.

Kelly Jo and Odie got up very early Friday and drove across Dallas to Terrell, Texas to pick up Bro. Shobanke. This is his last weekend in the states this trip and we were so glad to get to see him. This was the first time he has been with us in the tent and we were thrilled to have him in the service Friday night.

We enjoyed the fellowship with our friend very much. We also did some planning for our trip to Nigeria later this year. We are very excited about going back to see our many friends in Africa.

Saturday morning Kelly Jo and Odie made the same trip with Bro. Shobanke again and met some one from Bro. Sam Snow's church in Kilgore. He was preaching there yesterday.

The weather after the storms on Thursday night looked absolutely perfect through the weekend. The tent was very dry on Saturday night so it seemed we would have no problem getting the tent down dry Sunday evening. When I left the tent Sunday morning at 2:00 AM there was no rain in the forecast or on the radar at all.

All that changed about 4:30 AM. The clouds busted and the bottom fell out of the sky. It rained for quite a while and by the time it was finished the tent and the ground around the tent was a soggy mess.

Bro. Jimmy preached at Victory Sunday morning and Odie snapped a few pictures.

Thankfully we had sunshine and wind Sunday and the tent was ready to take down ... until we had a little shower about 5:30 PM AND a very little shower in the midst of bright sunshine during church. All of this happened during a window with a 5% chance of rain. I was sure that pretty much blew our chance of getting the tent down Sunday.

The sun stayed out the rest of the service and when church was over the tent was bone dry! It is absolutely amazing but we got the tent down dry!

The whole week has been amazing. We arrived a week ago Thursday to a giant puddle and mud and a forecast of heavy rain for ten days straight. Tent revival really looked hopeless. It looked impossible. But nothing is impossible with God! We had seven nights with no rain during church and a very, brief rain during the service the last night and still took the tent down dry! Praise God!

After the tent was down and packed away, Bro. Jimmie headed north toward Tulsa and we went out for our first after church fellowship of the week.

That pretty much wraps up our weekend. We plan to drive to Prevost Ft. Worth later today for an early morning appointment there Tuesday. When we are finished there, we will move on down to Sweeny, Texas for three services.

Thanks for reading.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

View Out The Window May 29, 2016

Check out our posts from the last week at the links below. 

Odie's post yesterday was a very sweet birthday tribute to my Dad, Eugene Boggs. It is worth a click over there if you have not read it. 

Another post this week generated a bunch if interest and feedback. It was our post about Bro. Larry Smith. Evidently it spoke to folks so close to Memorial Day when we remember those that gave all in active military service. 

Heroes deserve to be honored and we are thrilled to honor Bro. Larry. it was our great privilege to be invited to spend a few minutes with him during the reunion.

Our view has not changed out the window since last week so I thought I would share my view right now as I type this post.

This has been our view a bunch of the time this week.

This was my view in the middle of a toad strangler rain storm Thursday night.

I hope your have a great Sunday!


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Happy Birthday Papaw Eugene

Hello Friends,

This is Odie coming to you once again from Texas. City Reach Fort Worth has been wonderful. As Dad says, it still amazes us to watch God draw people in. We are so thankful for His help. God has answered many prayers this week. I give Him all the glory!  My God is awesome!

We still have two nights left of this City Reach. We are excited to see what God has planned. Please join us service tonight is at 7:30 PM and tomorrow, Sunday, at 6:00 PM. 

Happy Memorial Day weekend!  We are blessed to have several family members and friends that have served our country. Thank you for your sacrifice! I am thankful for all our American Heroes that have fought for and protected our freedoms. If you missed Dad's post Thursday please check it out. You can read about our friend and hero Bro. Larry Smith. 

We have a special Navy veteran in our Boggs family, my Papaw Eugene. I am proud of him and I love to hear him tell stories of his adventures in the Navy!

Today just happens to be my Papaw's birthday! Happy Birthday, Papaw! I love you so much! Thank you for being a super Papaw.  I wish I was home to celebrate with you. I hope you have a fabulous birthday and get lots of spoiling. 

When I was a small girl, Papaw taught me to shake birthday cards to see if money fell out. So, Papaw, shake all your cards!

Loving my Papaw is not about all the things he does for us. He is a great Papaw to me and all the others before he does one thing. But he does not stop there. He is always doing something to prove his love and improve our lives and I can not say thank you enough.

I hope you have a great day, Papaw! Happy Birthday!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. I will leave you with a few pictures of my Papaw Eugene. 


Panning for gold in Alaska!