Monday, July 14, 2014

Part I - Pictures from Carter Caves State Park

We have had a fun and exhausting week at Carter Caves State Park near Olive Hill, Kentucky. It had been five years since we came to the Boggs Family Reunion and we were excited to be able to make it this year. It was great visiting with everyone, sitting around the campfire, preparing and sharing meals and getting to know some of our extended family better. Having most of my immediate family here too was icing on the cake.

It was a special treat to minister in three churches in the area while we were here as well. I have prayed for years that God would open up doors of opportunity for us among our families and he has answered that in a big way this week. The Boggs family has opened their hearts to us and welcomed us with open arms. I am very thankful to them and to God that orchestrated it all. I have a sneaking suspicion that God is not finished yet.

We only took a "few" hundred pictures the last several days. I will have to spread them out over the next few days so that I do not gum up the servers at Google. They will not all be in order but I will try insert some descriptions now and then so you know what you are seeing.

We plan to leave this area later this morning. It is about 360 miles to our next revival and we begin services tomorrow evening. Thanks for reading and God bless everyone of you.


Kelly Jo and I walked (Hiked might be too strong of a word) some of the beautiful trails in Carter Caves State Park. Very little of their trails are smooth, super easy or level so we took our time and enjoyed the view. Some days we walked by ourselves and other days we had various combinations of family members. The first day we walked to one of several natural bridges in the park.

The Smokey Natural Bridge. 

This is the same bridge with Kelly Jo standing below for scale. 

We were climbing the steep stairs to the top of the bridge when I bent over to move a limb from the steps. The other end of the limb was in a brush pile about 6 feet away. When I moved it I startled a doe that was also in the brush pile. She startled me too!

She ran about 25 feet away and Kelly Jo took a few pictures.

Kelly Jo cooking in the campground.

Mexican S'Mores

More hiking.

This is the much smaller Raven Natural Bridge from the top. 

And the Raven Bridge from the bottom. 

My brother Steve cooked some great steaks over the fire.

Friday night we had some singing at the campground. We had a great night.

Tune in tomorrow for more pictures from Carter Caves State Park.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

View Out The Front Window July 13, 2014

We have had a super week at Carter Caves State Park singing, cooking, eating walking and visiting. It has been great. The Boggs Reunion yesterday was a lot of fun and the evening was tremendous. We have oodles of pictures to post from the whole week and we will try to get them up in the next few days.

Today we plan to pull the bus to the church we are singing at this morning and then come back to the park and spend some more time with immediate family. I am not sure if I will leave the bus at the church or bring it back. We are paid through tonight but it is a pretty good chore to get in and out of here. It might be easier to leave it at the church.

Here is the view out the front window this week. I hope you have a super great Sunday.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Boggs Reunion Day

Hey friends, happy Saturday. It is Odie coming to you from Carter Caves State Park in Kentucky. This is near the area where our Boggs family is from originally. It is beautiful here at Carter Caves. If you are ever in the area I highly recommend visiting the park. 

Dad put up a great post about things he learned right here in the park when we was 14 years old. If you have not read it you ought to check it out. I think you will like it.

It has been very good catching up with different family members on the Boggs side. We all gathered around in the campground with a couple of guitars, a mandolin and Mom's piano to pick and grin a while last night. It was a lot of fun. We have some talented cousins that can really sing and I think we all had a good time. I am looking forward to the actual Boggs reunion today. Lots of food will be involved in the day and I know it will be good. I am still trying to be good and not blow the diet but it will be a challenge this weekend.

My Grandparents arrived yesterday and all of my Dad's siblings and their spouses are here. We have not all been here together for 5 years so this is special. My only Boggs first cousins missing are Deidre, Victor and Isaac. I wish they could be here to enjoy the fun but we are having a grand time. 

We have been taking lots of pictures this week so I am sure we will have a bunch of pictures to post soon. Here is one from last night to hold you over.

We have enjoyed Mexican S'mores a couple times this week. They are totally scrumptious!! Dad posted about them last year. Mom even made them low fat this time. 

I do not cook very often, but I do enjoy making something occasionally. I decided to make Buffalo Chicken Dip for today's dinner. The recipe I use I found on FRANK'S® Website.   I usually do the slow cooker version. 

I prefer Ranch dressing and Cheddar cheese in mine. This is a dish I can make fat free! You can serve it with chips, crackers, pretzels, or by itself. I even like it cold. Sometime I eat it on a sandwich. I know this is not a new dish but it is one I enjoy making and eating.

You can find the recipe HERE.

I do not have any pictures from past times I have made the dip but here is a picture from their website. 


Friday, July 11, 2014

Spelunking and Perseverance

In July, 1981 our family camped at Carter Caves in a pop up camper for nearly two weeks. I was 14 years old and had just finished 8th grade. I ran all over this park roaming the trails, touring caves, swimming and having myself a time. One of the reasons I remember when it was is that we watched Prince Charles and Princess Di get married on a small  black and white TV sitting on a table outside our little camper. They were married July 29, 1981.

I remember Carter Caves about as far back as I remember anything from childhood but it was that trip that made it a part of my heart. I fell in love with this place that July. I hiked every step of every one of the main park trails and went into all the caves I could find. 

I re-learned an important lesson about perseverance that week too. I signed up for spelunking tour through one of the caves. The spelunking tours go off the the path of the regular commercial lighted tours. You crawl or your belly through the mud and water and squeeze through tight passages exploring nooks and crannies with nothing but a flashlight. I mean with a name like "spelunking" it has got to be fun!

The description sounded awesome to me even though I had a pretty good touch of claustrophobia. How bad could it be, right? 

Well it turns out it could be pretty bad. I bought my ticket and showed up at the cave entrance with everyone else. I had my long pants, long sleeves, solid shoes, flashlight ready and I was ready to go. By the time the cave guide finished reading all the fine print about all the impossibly narrow passages we would be slithering through I was completely convinced I would suffocate in a deep passage some where IF the whole thing didn't collapse and bury us all.

As the group filed into the cave I slinked into the woods and followed the trail up the hill to the camp ground. Dad and Mom were surprised to see me back so early. I told them how dangerous the spelunking tour was but I could see right away that Dad was not convinced.

My Dad was not going to be a part of raising a bunch of quitters and I already knew that. "Once you start something you can't quit. Quitters never win and winners never quit." 

I pretty much believed it at that time but this was different. I was making a prudent decision based on accurate information given to me by a cave guide probably under 20 years old that was trying to scare everyone to death during this tour. I was saving my life by backing out.

Nope! According to Dad I was quitting and quitting was unacceptable. Plus I had wasted the $1.75 I has spent on the non-refundable spelunking cave tour ticket.

Dad never once said that I had to pay for another ticket and follow through or forever be labeled a quitter. He did drive the lesson home pretty good. I do not even think he suggested that I had to do it. But I knew when I was walking up that hill before I ever told my Dad about it that I would never be satisfied with myself until I spelunked through that cave.

The next time the tour was offered that week I slipped away and bought another $1.75 ticket, gathered at the cave entrance and listened to the impassioned speech about all the dangers that lie ahead. I ignored my cowardly heart beating visibly through my shirt and refused to allow my feet to turn and run. When they opened the gate and started inside I turned on my flashlight and marched with the others toward certain and disastrously painful death.

33 years later I do not remember much about the actual tour. I am pretty sure I was scared in some of those passages, I know I prayed the whole time but I am also sure I had a great time. I do remember how I felt when I walked out of that cave alive into the sunshine. I felt like I could do anything because I was not a quitter. I remember how I felt when I walked into camp covered in mud from head to toe. I felt like a world champion. I pretty much was because I was not a quitter.

I am not convinced that I can do much on my own any more. I have tried and failed way too many times to put much confidence in myself. But I am VERY convinced in the power of determination when combined with trust in God. 

The power of the human spirit is amazing sometimes. Men have completed some huge feats, almost unbelievable tasks because they refused to give up. You combine that determination and no quit attitude with complete trust and faith in God then there is no telling what God can do in our lives. I Know that to be true.

The spelunking tour reinforced that in the heart of this 14 year old boy. I have bought the ticket and went home defeated more times than I care to remember but by God's grace I have raised up to go again. I did not quit.

Not quitting does not mean Not failing. A thousand times no! Not quitting means Not quitting. We may fall and stumble and make a complete mess but we are Not quitting. We are not going to stay down but we are going to get back up again by God's grace and help! Our mind is made up and we will not wallow in defeat and die in despair.

Micah 7:8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.


Oh, by the way. The three hour spelunking tour that was $1.75 in 1981.... Is $30 now! OUCH!

Have a great day and do not quit!
