Friday, June 27, 2014

Goshen Tent Revival In Pictures

It has been a great tent revival in Goshen, Ohio. Thank God for all of his help this week. Pastor Cornett and his congregation have worked so hard and have been faithful reaching out to this community. God has honored their faithfulness and many of the folks they have been working with have prayed this week. It has been a pleasure to join with them in this revival.

Thursday night we had more people in the altar that had never been there before. It was great to see God touching lives. We have one more night tonight and we are expecting more folks to be saved. The tent will come down after church by God's grace and then we will move on to our next revival. We will try to post pictures from tonight some time next week.

For now I leave you with Tent Revival In Pictures. I hope you enjoy them.


Dad and Mom brought me some drinkable salsa from Acapulco! Hallelujah!

Getting saved before service Wednesday night.

The man's dog looking on. The old timers used to say that if you really get saved it will make such a drastic change in you that even your dog will know it. This dog witnessed it!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Goshen Tent Revival Report

God is blessing in tent revival in Goshen, Ohio. We had more folks in the altar last night seeking God for salvation including a man from the community that came before service even started. We were setting up sound equipment as a man approached the tent and began talking to Pastor Dwayne Cornett. In a few minutes Bro. Cornett was leading him to the altar. He prayed right there, confessed his sin and ask Jesus Christ to be his Savior and Lord before service even started.

It does not get much better than that, except it did. A mother from the community was the first one in the altar after the preaching and gave her heart to God with her son on his knees just a few feet away. The son has been praying each night and was thrilled to have his mom in tent revival. Yep, it was that good!

Praise God for drawing folks under the tent each night and for all the folks that are listening in their cars, on their porches and in their yards. We are hearing good reports about the message getting out. Some have ventured under the tent and many others are still in the shadows but we know God is working. What an amazing God. We know it is not our singing that draws them. We know it is not my preaching that draws them. It is the Holy Ghost working through the power of the Word to draw men and women to God. It is a marvelous work and we are thankful to witness it.

We have two more nights of revival under the Blue and White Gospel tent in Goshen, Ohio and I wish we had another week in this community. Come join us in reaching out at Lakeshore Estates. There is no telling what God may do by the time the tent comes down Friday night.

God bless you for praying for us and for reading each day. I will try to put up some pictures of tent revival tomorrow.
