Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Raising The Tent In Springville, Indiana

From no tent...

To tent in place just like that!

As always the tent set up with this Tunnel Hill crew was very smooth. These guys show up in good numbers and ready to work. Even though some of their regulars could not help this time there was no cause for alarm. We had plenty of help.

The tent sets on gravel here on the site of the old Springville school. It is hard to avoid the old foundations while driving the stakes but last year we managed to only hit it solid twice. I think we hit it 10-12 times this year. Bro. Lakes brought a huge rotary hammer drill both years from a rental store and that helps a bunch. 

I sold the Bosch Brute Jack Hammer a month or so ago and I have been looking at big hammer drills since then. It is hard to know which one is right without using them but I have found the one I want. The rental place sent at big Bosch 11263EVS 1-3/4-Inch SDS-Max Rotary Hammer. It is the bomb! I ordered one and a long bit today.

After the stakes were in we laid out the plastic on the gravel to protect the tent.

Then the tent pieces are laid out and laced together.

Then the poles and straps are attached.

And up in the air it goes.

Of course we always need some supervision!

What an incredible set up crew!

I upgraded straps this year and this is the first set up using the new straps. These are two inch wide instead of one inch and the ratchets seem to be much stronger. The original straps were failing fast after a couple of dozen set ups and these are a perfect replacement. I am really able to get a good tight set up with these.

Revival is going well and the weather has been good. Thanks for reading.


Monday, May 26, 2014

First Night of Tent Revival - Springville, Indiana

Yesterday's Post

View Out The Front Window 5/25/2014

Please pray for Pastor Herman Woods and his wife Sis. Margaret. Bro. Herman has been having some very serious physical struggles the last two weeks and he really needs the Lord to touch him. We know God is able to lift him up and heal him this very moment. Would you pray for Bro. and Sis. Woods? I know they would appreciate it and we would as well. These folks are very, very precious to us. Thank you.

We are overjoyed to join again with the Tunnel Hill Pentecostal Church to reach lost souls in this area with the Gospel message. This is our third year to partner with Pastor Dallas Lakes and his folks in Tent Revival and God is already moving among us. We are expecting Him to do great things.

We started Sunday morning with a great service at the Tunnel Hill Church. Wow! What a great service we had Sunday morning. God was reaching for souls from the very beginning.

Sunday afternoon Kelly Jo and I set up the sound equipment. No matter how many times we do this, it is exciting and nerve wracking every time. As we set everything up and work out the bugs in the sound I can feel the excitement building in my spirit. I can also feel the forces that hate revival begin to press against me too. But I know that if the devil is fighting there must be something good he is trying to keep us from. If he is really applying the pressure then there are some lost souls that are desperately needing to hear the Gospel.

We know that God will prevail! The church will be edified, the Gospel will be preached and the right person will hear the message. I believe that with all my heart. That keeps me going in spite of the spiritual pressure.

Sunday night was a very good service.

The singing was good right from the beginning. You could feel the excitement in the air.

God moved on Bro. Lakes at the end of the preaching and he pulled folks into the altar for a wonderful meeting with the Lord. It was an excellent altar service.

Praise God for His help and grace. It was a terrific first night of Tent Revival. The weather was perfect, the Lord was moving and the people were ready to have church. That makes for a wonderful Tent Revival. It was still daylight after church and it was early so folks stayed and visited for quite a while after service. It was a very good night.

We are expecting great things the next five nights. Pray that God will give us souls from this community and good weather to have church. Thanks for reading and may God bless you all.
