Friday, November 9, 2012

Guess Who?????

It is always exciting when friends come to visit revival. We had several friends visit us in Lawton, Oklahoma last week..

This is a special friend of our family. He shows up in random places from time to time.

Over the years we have seen him in several different states. Also you never know what character he will be at that time. LOL!!!

Any guesses? We love reader feedback.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Surprise Visitors/Revival Report

Last Thursday morning we received a text from our friends the Blankenships telling us they were in Lawton, Oklahoma for the day. It is always a treat to see Jeffery, Rebecca, Madelyn and Andrea.

I'm so glad they squeezed some time into their busy day to stop by. Rebecca and Jeffery refused to pose for the camera. Hopefully I will get pictures of them again soon. The girls were tired but I talked them in two a couple pics.

We are having a good revival this week at Victory Tabernacle in Ft. Worth, Texas. They are responding good to Dad's preaching and our singing. God is helping us.

That is all for now.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Truth About Elections

The truth about elections.

Truth #1. God established that we should have government.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Romans 13:1 

There can be no doubt that God’s plan for humanity included that we should have government. The Bible is plain on this subject.

Truth #2. According to the Bible we have certain rights and responsibilities to that government.

We are to be submissive to our government to the full extent that our relationship with Christ will allow. I Peter 2:13-14 and Titus 3:1 are two examples.

We should pray for our government and I believe we should participate in our government. We should participate in the national conversation and make our voice known by voting.

Truth #3. Elections do not always go our way.

The first election that I was fully aware of was 1976. I was terribly disappointed in the outcome. After that election I became accustomed to elections going “my” way. 1992 hit me hard! I remember exactly where we were when we heard the results of the 92 election.

1996, 2008 and now 2012 are some more elections that did not go my way. My guy lost. I was not enthused about “my guy” in most if not all of those elections but he was “my guy.” I was disappointed in the man that won each time and in each case he led the country down paths that I did not like. If President Obama is able to accomplish his stated goals this time I know I will not like it. Let's not even talk about my concerns about his real agenda. But…

Truth #4. We need to make sure that we keep the enemy in proper perspective.

There are spiritual forces at work. There is a real devil with a real agenda against all that is good and right. There are men in our world system that will do their dead level best to fulfill all of satan’s will. But man is not our enemy!

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) II Corinthians 10:3-4

President Obama is not my enemy. His policies are liberal. His tendencies are socialist. His loyalties are questionable. His intentions are debatable. He seems haughty, aloof, arrogant and proud. But even IF all of this is and much worse is true, President Obama is not the enemy.

We are not fighting flesh and blood! The enemy is not a person. The enemy is the devil! We must keep that in perspective.

Truth #5. God has a divine plan. 

We must remember that. God has a divine plan. You do not know what that plan is. I do not know what that plan is. The president, your congressman, your senator, not even your mother knows what that plan is. But God has a divine plan.

Truth #6. God’s plan will prevail. 

You can not side track God’s plan. The president can not side track God’s plan. A bad election can not side track God’s plan. A thousand bad elections can not side track God’s plan. God will prevail, my friend. God will prevail.

What is the truth about elections? The truth is they matter to us. They matter deeply and I think they should. But elections do not affect God. God was not voted out on November 6, 2012. God is still on the throne. God is still working His will in our lives. God still has the whole world in His hands, including you and me and President Obama. Thank God for that!

Davy Boggs

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Go Vote

Seth Michael Jeffreys makes his blog debut today. He was born in September to Bro. Nathan and Sis. Leah Jeffreys. He is adorable. Thankfully through technology I get pictures regularly. I can not wait to see him in person next summer. 

Nathan and Leah have allowed me the privilege to be his adopted aunt. He is so precious!

Seth said "I'm ready to vote, Aunt Odie".

Never too young to teach them to support their country. Proverbs 22:6 says"Train up a child in the way he should go".

When I text Leah to ask if I could use Seth's picture on the blog. She gave me permission and also sent some more pictures. I had to include the second picture of my handsome nephew. 

I thought Seth would be a good reminder to all of us to go vote. I am thankful we live in America which allows the privilege of voting. I did my duty via an absentee ballot. I am proud to be a red blooded voting American. Made sure you go vote today.

I remember 20 years ago wishing I could vote. Wow, now that makes me feel and sound old. I will never forget that night in 1992. We were in revival in Florida when President Clinton was elected. I counted the years until I was old enough to vote. I registered just as soon as I turned 18.  Now I've been a voter for 9 years. 

Whatever the outcome of today's election remember to pray for our leaders. Also pray for our military that fights to keep this great nation free. Thank you to anyone who has served our country!!!!


Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday Night at Victory Tabernacle

Revival started off with a bang Sunday morning at Victory Tabernacle. On our second song people stepped out of their pews and headed toward the altars. It was all over except for the shouting, dancing, praying and crying!

It was a great service with God helping folks. Sunday night they responded to the preaching and we had another great altar service.

I know I am writing about good services every week but it is the truth. God is helping His people. It is a great blessing for us to be close to the action. We are having a wonderful time.

I am expecting services to be better each night. I believe God wants the church to be revived and renewed for His service in these last days.

Tomorrow is a very important election in our nation. Do not neglect to vote.

God bless,


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Travel Day - Lawton, OK to Ft. Worth, TX

After a late night in Lawton we pulled out about 10:30 Saturday morning. It only took us about 3 1/2 hours to make it to Ft. Worth.

We pulled in, parked, hooked up and then slipped over to Rosa's for a little Mexican food.

It was good as usual!

Then we set up our sound system and sang for a while before going inside the bus. Kelly Jo set up all the things inside while I read.

After a few hours I washed the front of the BoggsMobile and the Green Machine. They both need a complete bath but they will have to wait.

We went to eat and fellowship with Pastor J.J. Stevens and his family and another couple. We had a great time with them before coming home to enjoy our extra hour of sleep.

We start revival here this morning. I can't wait to see what God is going to do!

I hope you have a blessed Sunday.
