Saturday, May 28, 2011

Eugene Boggs- Happy Birthday

May 28, 2011

Carter Caves in Kentucky

Happy Birthday Dad! My dad turned 68 years old today. Odie is with him in Ohio and took the first picture at Deidre's graduation party today. The picture of him in the creek is awesome. I love that picture. It was so hot that day and we sat in the cold, cold creek and ate Kentucky Fried Chicken! What a day! What a Dad!
I love you Dad! Can't wait to see you again.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hale Station Pentecostal Church

Bro. Joseph Snow in Davy's coat

We have been in revival at Hale Station Pentecostal Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma this week. We started Monday and closed last night. We had great faith building services each night and ended tonight with a great altar service.

This was our first visit here and Pastor Joseph Snow and his wife treated us so well. Bro. and Sis. Snow both come from ministry families and it is very evident that they are totally dedicated to ministry as well. They are hungry to see a move of God in their church and in their community. I believe God will bless them at Hale Station.

We are off today so we are trying to rest some because once we head toward Wichita on Saturday it will pretty much be nonstop until the first week of August.

Please continue to pray for the tornado survivors.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

The TSA .. Looking in the Wrong Place?

TSA at Tulsa Airport

I have refrained from spilling my thoughts about the aggressive pat downs by the TSA for a number of reasons. The fact that plenty of others were expressing my feelings so well that I didn't see a reason to chime in was one of the main reasons.

The second was the fact that we travel enough that drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves didn't seem like such a great idea. Especially as reports began to surface that the TSA was singling out those that complain for their most invasive tactics.

I am still not going to throw stones but I did observe something today worth passing on.

Odie is flying home today in order to be home for my niece Deidre's high school graduation. She was going through TSA security before 5 AM in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They normally go over Odie, her wheelchair, canes or walker with a fine tooth comb and this morning was no exception.

We have no complaints about that really but it does seem a tad excessive since instances of 25 year old female, handicapped, American citizens hijacking airplanes are pretty rare.

I saw something else while watching them take Odie through that blew me away. (Bad pun obviously intended) A family was going through the scanners while Odie was taking off her boots and jacket and placing her things on the conveyor.

TSA chose one of the boys (maybe 10 years old) to go into the full body scanner. I didn't notice which line the rest of the family went through.

The young man stepped right into the machine and raised his hands and placed his feet in the proper position. It was then that the TSA agent noticed the boy had his ball cap on. She asked for the cap and he handed it to her. She was standing on the gate side of the scanner.

The scan was over in a couple of seconds. The boy stepped out, the TSA agent handed him his hat and off he went to join his family on a flight. The hat went on that flight without going through Xray at all!

I have seen agents hand an item back across and run it through Xray but this TSA agent had that boys hat in her hands for all of 3-4 seconds. No hat check at all. (I know, another bad pun)

Now I am sure that boy is as innocent as any 10 year old. I am also confident that his hat was not concealing a bomb, any explosive material or an Muslim jihadist.

But the point is, it could have been! They are so focused on shoes, liquids, box cutters, belts and explosives hidden in underwear that they are looking past the obvious. They rely on full body scans and aggressive pat downs to catch what a little common sense could plainly see. They allowed a potential terrorist to give his bomb to the TSA to hold while he was scanned for explosives hidden on his body.

Ridiculous? Maybe, but the moment a Muslim extremest (Let's be honest, they are the only ones trying to blow up our planes) is wrestled to the ground by passengers as he tries to light his hat, all hats will be banned within three miles of an airport. Turbans will be the only exception to the ban of course.

Just something to think about. Leave your thoughts in the comments.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joplin Tornados - What Devastation!

The devastation in Joplin is unbelievable. When I see the pictures of the damage my mind struggles to take it all in. We have been near or in storms all year and I have been moved by the destruction and suffering of the people that are affected. But this storm feels different.

Maybe it is because we are so familiar with the area. We have been in the Wal-Mart, Lowe's Home Depot and many other of the businesses that were destroyed and where real people lost their lives. We have slept many nights in the parking lot of the Flying J that was hit. We have eaten in many of the restaurants that now are only rubble.

Or maybe it is because we know so many people that live in Joplin and very many more that live close and work or do business in Joplin every day. Their lives will be shaped for months and years by the tornado that lasted only a few minutes Sunday night.

Maybe this one feels different because we have friends who are there assisting in the recovery and clean up and we are hearing first hand, real time reports of the destruction and suffering.

Or maybe this one feels so different because the death toll has risen so fast and so high. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon said this morning that number had risen to 117. Others are reporting that is the highest death toll from a SINGLE tornado since 1953.

Very many moms, dads, spouses, brothers, sisters and little children will never forget May 22, 2011 because their loved ones were ripped away from them that day.

My guess is that all these things combine to make this tornado different in our hearts and minds. I know this much, I have been compelled to pray passionately, give liberally and do anything else I can to encourage those that can certainly use the boost right now.

Please join me in praying and giving. We never know when the tragedy may come to our door and then it is certain we will reap what we sow.

God Bless,


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Sunday, May 22, 2011

More Tornados-Oklahoma & Joplin, Missouri

Update: Added Pictures From Joplin Tornado Damage:

Yep, that's right more tornados. While we were in church tonight there were severe storms and tornado warnings all through this area. Several small towns here in eastern Oklahoma were hit hard and Joplin, Missouri took a direct hit as well with reports of several lives lost. Many folks are injured and life will be terribly disrupted for thousands of people. Please pray for the people in Oklahoma and southwestern Missouri.

We are fine here. There are reports of damage close by but we had church and all went well. This was the last night of revival and are sad to leave. We have enjoyed ourselves so much. We travel to Tulsa in the morning and start revival tomorrow night at Hale Station. Below you will see a few more pictures of the folks from Iron Post Church.

Pray for the tornado victims.

God bless,


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Iron Post Holiness Church

Pastor Travis Martin and Bro. Kevin Webster

We are having a great time with Pastor Travis Martin and all the folks at Iron Post Holiness Church near Locust Grove, Oklahoma this week. We started revival Monday and are planning to close Sunday night. 

We have been blessed with a great amount of visitors each night and that has been a boost to the services. Several folks from the community have visited and some of them have been in the altar. That is very encouraging. The Churches in the area have been fellowshipping too and the Cheeks from Ohio even dropped in. 

Speaking of the altar services, I am so thrilled that God has been meeting us every night in the altar. It is so amazing to watch God transform lives when folks humble themselves and pray. He is waiting for us to turn to him and acknowledge our inability to help ourselves. We have witnessed first hand again this week what God can do when we do that. 

Praise God for his amazing grace! Please continue to pray for us here and in the coming weeks. We go from here to Tulsa and then Wichita. After that we go back to Tulsa for our first Tent Revival of the year. Please pray that God will prepare hearts even now to receive Him. There is no telling what God can do!

We have also been blessed to have Sis. Mona Buzzard with us two nights. Sis. Mona is the widow of Bro. Leon Buzzard. Bro. Leon was a great preacher that had a tremendous influence on many, many people including our family. It was so good to see Sis. Buzzard. She is in the picture below with Kelly Jo.

Not much phone service here let's see if I can actually post this. 

God bless,
