Monday, August 21, 2017

Weekend Woundup and Weview #35

It was another busy weekend with great church services, work on the house and a few more activities, because we always need a few more fun things to do. I will give you the highlights and pictures during this Weekend Woundup and Weview and I will have even more pictures later.

Friday night rounded out the three nights of revival at Dodds. We had a tremendous altar service Friday night again. Praise God for His help all three of the services.

This week is Dryden Rd. Indoor Fellowship Meeting. It begins on Tuesday night. As is our custom during campmeetings, most of our posts will be entirely pictures. We will begin that Tuesday with a Revival In Pictures post from the revival at Dodds and the Homecoming on Sunday.

Early Saturday morning Kelly Jo and Odie left the Ranch to go to Hillsboro. The big 50th anniversary get-together for Kelly Jo's Dad and Mom was that evening and there was a lot of work to do. They spent the whole day down there working along side the rest of the family.

I spent the early morning working on the "L" shape bench in Odie's little dining area. Rick Reed and his helper Levi Ward arrived before 9:00 AM to finish setting the cabinets in the kitchen. They are working in the picture below and you can see the bench I had been working too. It is in the corner near the left edge of the picture.

They were finished, packed up and on their way in a little over 4 hours. The cabinets look beautiful. There is no way I could have set them. There were way too many complications for me to even try to do it. 

I worked with Bro. Rick about 24 years ago and he was great at setting cabinets then. He has done nothing but improve. I believe he is the best!

When they finished with the island I had about 30 minutes before it would be time to get ready to go to Hillsboro. Since Dodds Homecoming was going to be Sunday I wanted to get at least part of the Ranch mowed, especially the 300' of property line between us.

I put fuel in the tractor and then mowed for about 20 minutes. I was able to mow most of the lot next to the church and make it look presentable. Mom and Dad picked me up about 2:45 and we made our way to the celebration in Hillsboro.

The 50th anniversary celebration was a smashing success. Family and friends gathered in from all over and made it a very special afternoon and evening for my in-laws. There was good food and good fellowship happening everywhere you looked. May God bless Danny and Betty with many more years of good health and wonderful marriage.

One of the big hits of the evening was the wedding cards on each table. Betty had saved the original wedding cards they received when they married. They placed a few on each of the tables. It was awesome to read the cards that people gave them and the nice things they had to say. We knew many of the people that attended their wedding and some of them had great impact on our lives later. It was very neat.

It has been a great blessing to me to be a part of Danny and Betty Morgan's family for over 32 years. I am honored to be in such a great family.

By the time we arrived back at the barn Saturday night and unloaded all the stuff, we were glad that Dodds was starting their Homecoming at 1:00 on Sunday. It was all we could do to get some rest, prepare for service and arrive on time.

I have preached the Homecoming service a few times through the years and I count it an honor to preach such a special day in the church where I was raised. It is a privilege to preach to the people that spanked me as a kid. May God bless Pastor Kelly Rogers for inviting us.

That wraps up our weekend. We are looking forward to the fellowship meeting at Dryden Rd. this week. It is always a special treat.

Thanks for tuning in today.


Sunday, August 20, 2017

View Out The Front Window 8/20/2017

Here are the links from our posts this last week.

This was our view out the front window early in the week at Hodgenville, Kentucky.

This was our view out the door.

This was our view when we pulled into Dodds Church next to the Lazy OD Ranch very late Tuesday night.

Today we have Homecoming service at Dodds at 1:00 PM. We would love to have you join us.

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Golden Celebration Day

Hey friends, this is Odie reporting in today from Ohio. I am posting pretty early for me because we have a big day on tap.

I hope you have had a fabulous week! This week has been fantastic for our family. We  enjoyed attending and singing in two excellent revival services in Hodgenville, Kentucky and the last three nights at Dodds Pentecostal Church. 

Dodds Church is extremely close to home. In fact the church shares a property line with the Lazy OD Ranch.😀 The Lord blessed us with three powerful services so far. It is a blessing to us to see God encouraging Pastor Kelly Rogers and our dear friends and family here.

We are looking forward to  Homecoming service at Dodds tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 PM. You are cordially invited to join us if you are in the area. There is still time to plan on attending. There will be a dinner afterward and you will not want to miss that.

Golden Celebration Day

Today is a special day that we have set aside to celebrate two incredible people and their 50 year marriage. My Papaw and Gran, Danny and Betty Morgan said "I do" in 1967. We are beginning the celebration a little early today!

October 14th 1967

50 years of marriage takes determination, commitment and hard work. It is definitely something worth celebrating. I have been around for way over half of their marriage and I have never seen their love waver. By God's grace they have kept traveling the road together. 

I love my Gran and Papaw so much!  I am proud to be their Granddaughter. I was the first grandchild when I made my grand entrance on their 18th anniversary. (Dad says it was the first and last time I was ever early) It is a tremendous blessing to have grandparents that still love each other today.  God has brought them a long way in the last 50 years. 

I am looking forward to what God has in store for them in the days ahead. I am excited that our family and friends will gather today to commemorate this Golden Milestone that is rarely achieved in today's word. 

So here is a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Gran and Papaw! We all love you very much!

Summer 2016

I will close for now. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Hope you come back very soon. 
