Showing posts with label Mixlr BFM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mixlr BFM. Show all posts

Monday, March 30, 2020

What's Up, Weekend?

First, a very serious prayer request
Saturday evening I spoke on the phone with two of our travel companions during our recent travels to Australia and New Zealand.  They have received some unsettling news. Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan have tested positive for covid 19. 

I am telling you this with their permission and I am asking you to pray for them sincerely. Please call their names in prayer each time you pray. Bind together with them and with us for a touch of the hand of God. We know that His touch will be enough.

Saturday night and Sunday have been horrible for Bro. Bruce. Please, please, please pray for our brother and our friend. We did get word Sunday night after church that his fever had eased a bit and we are very thankful for that. We have not heard since then. Prays saints!

Our weekend was mostly church and that is always a good thing. We did take time for a few necessary things. Even with society shut down, life goes on.

KJo and I are still struggling with the 17 hour time change. I was so thankful when I slept from 12:30 to 5:00 AM one morning last week. I was positive I was on my way to sleeping sanity. Nope! The next night I laid mostly awake until about 6:00 AM and it has not been much better since.

Think of it like this. When we are trying to sleep at Midnight, our bodies are saying it is time for supper at 5:00 PM. When it is time for me to roll out of bed at 5:00 AM, my body is saying it is 10:00 PM and time to start winding down. We have been back in the states 10 days, it is time to get this body clock right.

The good thing is that even though we are not sleeping much, we do not feel sleep deprived. I guess the little amount of sleep we are getting, must be enough.

I had to do a little repair in the barn Saturday. I noticed when I turned the water off to the barn before we left in early January, that I had a small leak where there the water comes into the barn.

With the water main off, it was no problem, but we need water in the bus while we are home, so I needed to tackle it. With advice from my dear friend Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe, I got it.

I cut the pipe.

I slid the new valve in and crimped the Pex ring. Thankfully, I already had the Pex rings and Pex tools. I ordered the valve from Amazon.

You may remember that I purchased a 60" water meter wrench from a wholesale place in Mississippi in February. I needed the extra length for the shutoff valve going into the house. I have not had to use it, but I took the lid off Saturday and tried it out for size. It works perfectly!

Sunday was a pretty good day. I listened to or watched four services Sunday morning and a couple more in the afternoon. I was pumped up and ready to go by the time we had service at 8:00 PM. We had a wonderful time singing and basking in the presence of the Lord.

We had Sunday Night Singalong and we had a wonderful time.

Thank you for joining us IF you were able. If not, all the services are archived for watching or listening at any time. You can go to the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here.


Saturday, March 28, 2020

Gotta Get To Jesus

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from home. I hope you are doing good right now. I am doing well. I am thrilled to at least be on the same property as my parents. We are practicing extreme distancing! Thank you to many of you that have checked on us. 

The Covid-19 pandemic is absolutely horrific! I pray we will soon be through this time. My prayers are for protection, healing, provision and for our leaders.

I am grateful that we can rely on God to carry us through. We will survive! Thank God that we have hope! Here is a verse that gives me comfort. Isaiah 41:13 "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not; I will help thee."

Are you enjoying revival online? I am loving it. Dad and Mom are set up in the garage having revival on YouTube and Mixlr and I am isolated from them in my house listening with my in-ear monitor and singing in my cordless microphone. We would love to have you join us at 8:00 PM each night.

Tomorrow night, Sunday, Dad has announced we will be singing for the hour, trying to fulfill some of the requests that have been left for us. I am sure Dad will sneak his fair share of preaching in as well.

Gotta Get To Jesus
Last week the song, Gotta Get to Jesus. especially spoke to my heart. It was a "random song suggestion" on my phone. This was the song I needed for that day. The chorus and second verse really encouraged me. 

Sis. Rachel McCutcheon is one of the writers of this song. Sis Rachel can sing the fire out of this song! Click here to hear Millikin/McCutcheon singing the song. It is a 
pleasure to call Sis. Rachel our friend.

Click here to see a neat clip of The Collingsworth Family. they are talking about finding the song. They also sing their version of the song.

Gotta Get To Jesus
Songwriters: Karen Gillespie / RachelMccutcheon / Helga Kaefer
© Chris White Music, Asheville Music Publishing

Verse 1
My physicians tried in vain
For twelve long years of pain
Is proof that there is nothing they can do
I just heard somebody say 
There's a healer on the way
Somehow I have to press my way through

I've gotta get to Jesus
Gotta get to Jesus
I know that He's the answer to my needs
Bring Him all my problems
Only He can solve them
Mend the broken pieces
Gotta get to Jesus

Verse 2
When my world is torn apart
I need healing for my heart
I really don't know how much more I can take
Trapped inside a cloud of disbelief and doubt
I only know one way of escape

I've gotta get to Jesus
Gotta get to Jesus
I know that He's the answer to my needs
Bring Him all my problems
Only He can solve them
Mend the broken pieces
Gotta get to Jesus

If the hem of His garment is all I can reach
I know if I touch Him
 I will be free
I will be free

I've gotta get to Jesus
Gotta get to Jesus
I know that He's the answer to my need
Bring Him all my problems
Only He can solve them
Mend the broken pieces
Gotta get to Jesus

Bring Him all my problems
I know He can solve them
Mend the broken pieces
All these broken pieces
Gotta get to Jesus
Gotta get to Jesus

I have loved this song for a few years. It has ministered to me a lot of times. This time was different, I was not focused on my personal needs. Last week I was overwhelmed by the fact that Jesus was the answer to the troubles of our nation and world! 

I had to touch Jesus for myself. Right here at home, I began to call out to Jesus.  He heard my cries and he ministered to me so sweetly. My prayers did not end the pandemic, but I knew that I had touched Him.  God is hearing our prayers! We must get to Jesus.

Something else that has been on my heart this week. (Wouldn't you know, Dad preached about this last night in revival.) We are all infected with the minuscule germ called sin. It is much worse than Covid-19, and it is deadly to all of us! No amount of bleach or disinfected can sanitizer us from sin.

You must have one important vaccination to recover from sin. The blood of Jesus is that vaccine and it can set us free. Jesus shed his blood on the cross for the remission of all sins. His blood is still flowing today and it is free to anyone. Jesus wants to wash you in His blood today.

Jesus is waiting for you to call on Him. Remember the chorus above? Here are my favorite lines.

"I know that He's the answer to my need
Bring Him all my problems
Only He can solve them
Mend the broken pieces
Gotta get to Jesus"

Jesus is the answer to your questions. Salvation through the blood of Jesus will change your life! I encourage you to call on Him today!! Then you can have hope through Him.

I love all of you! Thank you for visiting us on the blog. I appreciate you reading, as I shared my heart. Have a great weekend. 


Friday, March 27, 2020

Revival In Pictures Waynesville, Ohio

Friday is reserved for Revival In Pictures during revival weeks so we will let that tradition stand today. This is certainly a different kind of revival, but we are enjoying it still the same. That makes the pictures a little different too, but it is a glimpse of revival, so here we go.

I need to begin this post with Mexican food, right?

Now, most of you long time readers know that Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla Mayhan have popped up at our revivals all over the country, from northern Vermont to Arizona and a dozen or so places in between. Would you believe it if I told you they showed up at our isolation revival in Waynesville, Ohio?

Would you believe it if I showed you a picture of them here?

It sure looks like they were here and I sure look surprised or maybe even confused. KJo sent in this picture so I am not sure I should believe my own two eyes!

It looks like Odie took some pictures of the screen.

This is her work and singing station.

Deidre said that Charlie woke up Monday night and heard the singing. He pushed the chair up close for a good view.

And there she is!

The Brownlee’s in Ellisville, Mississippi. Lucas likes watching Odie’s Daddy. 

The Jefferys in Montana. She’s so attentive!! 

Listening to the powerfully anointed Boggs family! 

From Odie’s computer. 

The Mayhan’s in Oklahoma. 

From Theresa Osborn in Waynesville, Ohio. 

From Bro. Israel Sanders in Salem, Kentucky. 
Loving it.

From the Sheffield family- Ellisville, Mississippi. Caleb said hey that’s Bro. Boggs. And pulled his chair right up to the screen. 

Jacqueline Coffman sent these in.

These next few deserve a super cute alert. My Great Nephew Charlie watching from Texas again Thursday night. I love his little dress clothes and his bear feet. That is a boy after my heart!

More super cuteness! My Great Niece Jo Jo saying Amen and helping me preach.

The Keelings in Oklahoma!

Bro. Jonathon Mills in Ohio

That wraps up Revival In Pictures. Thank you for all of your help. I love these pictures. We will collect more over the next several days as you send them in and do another Revival In Pictures post next Friday by God's grace. 

Join us tonight for revival service IF you can. You can join us on the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here

We also plan to have revival service Saturday night. I have been talking to Pastors about Sunday. I do not want to hinder the local church in any way. Most of them are telling me that an 8:00 PM Eastern service on Sunday night will not cross up with their services at all.

I am considering having a service Sunday night with mostly singing. We are getting way more requests than we will ever get to in another week or two of revival. What do you think?

Thank you for stopping by.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Great First Night of Revival!

Monday Morning Edit:
I woke up with these sentences rolling over in my mind.
We are officially separated in society. However, Revival Stands In The Gap Socially Distant, But Spiritually In Sync

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Wow! You made the first night of online revival a tremendous success. I am writing this very late Monday night and as we prepare to go to bed, Mixlr is telling us there were over 400 individual devices listening and the YouTube Live Steam has been view well over 500 times. Many of those listeners and viewers have told us you were watching with family and friends so that multiplies those statistics tremendously.

I refuse to get totally caught up in numbers, but that does make me feel like we are in the right place doing the right thing.

I will tell you what else convinces me we are in the right place, all of the positive comments, emails, text messages and phone calls we received about the service. Thank you and God bless you for taking the time to be an amazing encouragement to us.

You have assured us that what we felt like doing, having a revival and broadcasting it online, was and is the right thing to do. Thank you very much for that. You have been very kind.

We did have a few technical difficulties at the beginning that caused us to change course on a couple of items, but I THINK we will have those things worked out for Tuesday night.

Laying the technical things aside, Kelly Jo and I felt completely comfortable really quickly. All the nights we have spent under the tent reaching beyond those sitting under the tent and singing and preaching to people we can not see, prepared us for this. That may seem strange, but it is true.

I have spent many hours preaching and pleading with people sitting on their porches, sitting in their cars, walking in the park, working in the garden and a hundred other places. Preaching to people that I can not see listening on Mixlr or watching on YouTube felt remarkably similar.

It really felt great! It felt like God was reaching through me and I love that sensation.

It was very easy to believe that God was speaking well beyond the four walls of that little garage. That is what revival is all about, God speaking directly into the hearts of men and women and bringing hope, healing, deliverance and salvation to men and women that need it.

I believe that God was doing that last night and I expect to hear about it too! Hallelujah! I am excited about revival and I appreciate so many of you telling me that you feel the excitement too!

This first night had overwhelming positive success because some of you made it your business to tell others about the revival. Thank you for that. I understand that everyone may not be able to join us every night, but if you will continue to share the revival links, I believe that God will have the right people tuned in at the right time.

Thank you again and may God bless you all. 

You can go to the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here


Monday, March 23, 2020

Let Us Have Revival Now!

Our weekend post was published earlier today. This is the second post of the day.

Thank you for joining us for revival at 8:00 PM Eastern Time tonight! I know that dozens and maybe hundreds are praying for us. Thank you! May God bless revival!

You can listen on Mixlr.

And Hopefully,

You can listen and watch on YouTube.

You can go to the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here

Boggs Family Ministries is on Mixlr