Showing posts with label Missions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missions. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Davy Olamiposi Jesudunsin Bamidele

You can view the revival service from last night below.

Normally today would be Vintage View Vednesday, but I am having technical issues with Blogger. Last week they forced a new dashboard configuration on me and I have been learning it the last several days. Loading pictures on a blog post is not as simple as before, but it was still easy until yesterday. It goes through all the motions, uses data to load the pictures, yet the post remains blank. I tried it several times yesterday and several more times last night. Ugh!

I admit defeat in this battle, but the war is not over. I will wade into it later and see what can be done. I loaded the pictures below earlier in the day and they loaded fine. I hope you enjoy this replacement post that was originally slated for Thursday.

Davy Olamiposi Jesudunsin Bamidele
Today I introduce to you the newest grandchild of my dear friend, Rev E. Ade Shobanke. He was born in Ogun State, Nigeria on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, to Bro. Samuel and Sis. Ruth Bamidele. He was Christened early Tuesday, May 12 in a small home ceremony because of the coronavirus lockdown. They gave him the name of Davy Olamiposi Jesudunsin Bamidele. 

Is that a beautiful bouncing baby boy or not?

We are delighted to hear the news of this baby boy and I am honored, thrilled and humbled for him to bear my name in his life. That is amazing and I am grinning from ear to ear. 

May God bless Davy, Olamiposi, Jesudunsin, Bamidele with the humble and sweet spirit of his Mother, the smile and kindness of his Father and the anointing and hunger for God of his Grandfather, Bro. Shobanke! He will grow to be quite a man if he has all of those attributes.

We pray that he has strength and good health all through his life. May he have favor with God and favor with men. May he grow in grace and love and faith.

We also pray that we are blessed to meet him in person soon and to see him at many points in his life for many years to come. Right at this moment, it looks impossible to ever go to Nigeria again, but we are believing God that it will not always be this way. I want to see all of my friends and embrace them and worship with them and I want to see my little namesake!

Here are a few more pictures.

Thank you for stopping in for a few minutes today.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Feeding People

Last night was the 50th night of our online revival and we enjoyed the service very much.

Since it was our 50th night, we decided to try something special. We decided to try and help some people that are physically hungry in four different parts of the world.

I sure this same story could be told from all over the world, but there have been four specific areas that have been on my heart, where the coronavirus lockdown is causing people to struggle to have enough to eat. The common economic model in the world is people living from day to day. They work, earn a little money and purchase food for their families. That is impossible to do if you have to stay home. They do not have a week's worth of food stockpiled and it is impossible for them to do that.

Bro. Larry Landress has been sending money regularly to his people in southern Mexico that need food desperately. Most of the churches are in mountainous areas and they have to travel to buy food staples. They are forbidden to travel, but one of Bro. Larry's men has been purchasing the food and distributing it the best he can. There is a great need there. They do not have a Wal-mart or Kroger's down the road.

My dear friend, Bro. Shobanke in Nigeria has been locked down for nearly five weeks. He has received some help and he has shared it with his pastors and his church people. There are many of them going hungry and there is a great need there as well. My heart breaks for my people in Nigeria.

Bro. and Sis. Petit are in the Philippines and have been locked down for nearly two months. Their Pastors and the congregations are struggling to eat as well. The Petit's are trying to help as much as they can, but more money would be a great help.

Bro. Alan Sumner is in Honduras trying to keep the family ministry there afloat during Martial Law. He is feeding the church folks and planning to feed at least 300 more families too. He has a great work to do and he is doing his best to do it.

I ask the viewers and listeners last night to help these mission efforts OR find someone nearby that needs help and help them. There may be someone right on your street that needs food or diapers for their baby. You may not have abundance, but if we wait for abundance to give, we may be waiting a long time.

I thought some of you might want to get in on the giving. I am copying the information below that I posted on YouTube and Mixlr. There is no pressure to give at all, but if you do, you will be helping folks that need it. I assure you that 100% of the money will go to the intended need.

-Help Bro. Larry Landress feed saints in Mexico
Make check payable to Holiness In Mexico, Food in the memo
Send to: Holiness In Mexico P.O. 717
Pauls Valley, OK 73075

-Help Bro. Shobanke feed saints in Nigeria, West Africa
Make checks payable to Boggs Family Ministries, Africa in the memo
Send to: Boggs Family Ministries P.O. Box 28 Waynesville, OH 45068
Make checks payable to Rev. Michael Petit, Philippine Food in the memo
-Help Bro. and Sis. Petit feed saints in The Philippines Send to: Michael Petit C/O Monica Manning 117 Wallace Dr.
Monroeville, PA 15146
-Help Bro. Alan Sumner and the Sumner family feed the saints and others in Honduras
Make checks payable to Christ Cares World Ministries Food in the memo
Send to:
Christ Cares World Ministries P.O. Box 307 Dewey, OK 74029
If you would rather give electronically to these mission endeavors, you can give through our PayPal and 100% of your gift will go where you intend for it to go.
Our PayPal is (Please take note of the spelling)

Thank you for reading today. May God bless you, friends. See you tonight.


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Time For Another Adventure

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." 
Helen Keller

It is time for another adventure. Today is the culmination of nearly two years of planning and many, many years of dreaming. This evening KJo and I board a plane that will begin our journey, our first journey, to the southern hemisphere of the earth. 

How in the world did we live to be 53 and 51 years old and spend all of our time in the northern hemisphere? The world is too big for that.

That changes now. By this late evening, March 4, we will take off for Sydney, Australia and 15 hours later we will land about mid-morning on March 6. How does that happen? We lose a whole day, but they assure me that the missing day will be returned when we come back to the USA.

The trip is a combination vacation/ministry exploration trip with the early part of the trip leaning heavy toward vacation and the latter part of the trip leaning heavy toward ministry.

IF we can recover, we hope to be in church Sunday near Sydney and then we will board a ship that is bound for New Zealand. We will tour New Zealand and we are hoping to be in church in Napier, New Zealand the following Sunday. We had hoped to have a chance to minister in Napier, but that has not jelled yet.

By the next Sunday, we will be back in Sydney and the next two weeks we hope to minister in other cities in southern Australia as much as possible. We have ministry prospects in Australia through our brothers we have preached for from India. We hope to become acquainted with many brothers and sisters and to minister by God's grace.
As you know, the world is troubled at the moment. Please pray for our health, our safety, that we would be sensitive to the Holy Ghost and that we would be effective in ministry at each and every turn. I believe God is going to guide us IF we are receptive to His voice and He will place us in the exact places we need to be at the proper time.

We are certainly not missionaries in the classic sense of the word. I have the utmost respect for Christians that are willing to move from their home country to learn the language, be immersed in the culture and dedicate years of their lives to winning souls to Christ in another country. I will not cheapen their commitment, by calling what ourselves Missionaries.

We are evangelists. We desire to win souls through revival. If those revivals are in the USA, great. If they are in Nigeria or Australia or Sydney, that is great too. If I can pave the way for mission work that is super great. If God expands our evangelistic work and it takes on a long term aspect as he has in Nigeria, then we will accept God's direction as needed.

We are excited to be in His service to His children wherever they may be!

What about posting here on Mile Markers the next few weeks? We really do not know the answer to that question. We do not know what our access to the internet will be AND we do not know if we can easily update IF we do have internet service. There have been times we have been blocked from our Google accounts when we are outside of the USA. I hope we will know more by the weekend.

Odie is supposed to check in here as much as she can and hopefully that is a lot. I am sure she will let you know we are alive and well, if we are able to get word to her.

I am going to change the settings on Blogger so that when I email a picture to Blogger, it automatically posts on Mile Markers. I will try to send a few test pictures today. That means there may be several posts in one day. If you are notified by email each evening when we post, you will only be informed of the most recent post of the day. Keep in mind, there may be more (hopefully several more) posts during that day. 

You will have to go back to see them. On the mobile view, you can click the arrow on the bottom right corner to go to previous posts as needed. 

On the desktop view, the posts are listed on the right sidebar.

As I said, I will try to post a few individual pictures by sending emails today and we will see how it works. I hope we can keep you updated with some great scenery and people pictures. 

May God bless you all.


Friday, July 12, 2019

Bro. Shobanke and Tent Revival

This week revolved around two things, Bro. Shobanke and getting everything in order for tent revival. Two things are all we needed to stay busy.

I picked up Bro. Shobanke Monday morning at a house about 15 minutes away. Pastor Hoskins and the Corwin church allowed him to stay in their evangelists quarters and that was a big help to us. This was his last few days in the states so he had quite of bit of shopping to do at Walmart. Kelly Jo helped him with that.

The rest of the days, we spent time together, prayed together, planned together and enjoyed being with our dear friend. When he would take a few minutes to rest, we would work on laundry, generator maintenance and other tent stuff.

Oh, I used the new (used) mower for the first time Thursday morning. It mows great! The generator maintenance I was doing was changing the oil and air filter in the bus generator. It will probably be cranked up tomorrow afternoon and run for about eight days straight.

Before we knew it, the time had flown by and we were taking Bro. Shobanke to the airport in Dayton. It was sad to seem him go through security and make his way to his first plane. We were able to send him off with a good offering, including money to help supplement salaries of the leadership at GoodNews Christian School. We are thankful for that.

He actually went home a few days early. He was supposed to preach at Corwin Wednesday night and at Dryden Rd. Thursday night. He told me Tuesday that he did not feel up to preaching and wanted to go home a little earlier. I found a flight out Thursday, so we had to cancel Dryden Rd. He testified at Corwin, I preached and then Bro. Shobanke prayed for the people.

We had a great service at Corwin and Odie took a few pictures.

Thursday we took Bro. Shobanke for one last American feast before taking him to the airport. He wanted Golden Corral and I believe he got our money's worth. His doctors at home told him he needed to eat good food and plenty of it and he is trying to do it.

After seeing Bro. Shobanke off, we went to church at our home church at Dryden Rd. Bro. Bennie preached great and we loved being home.

Here are a few more pictures from the week.

I have my Dad's truck at the Ranch. This morning and I will hook it to the trailer and swing the trailer around in a position to hook up to the bus. I will also load some sound equipment from the bus into the trailer.

In the early afternoon, we plan to take the bus and trailer to the tent site in Middletown and try to put everything in place. KJ will drive the truck so that I can hook it to the trailer and park it in the right position for the tent set up.

Once that is done, we will mark all the tent stakes and have everything ready for the huge crowd (That is faith talking) that will be there Saturday at 8:00 AM to put the tent in the air.

By Sunday morning I hope to show you a picture of the tent in Damon Park in Middletown, Ohio.

Thank you for stopping by today.


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Construction Continues at GoodNews Christian School

Yesterday was a super great day and it ended with a great service at Dodds last night. I appreciate Pastor Kelly Rogers inviting us to sing and preach. As I have said before, it is a happy privilege to be welcomed heartily to sing and preach in the church where I was raised.

GoodNews Christian School
Most of you know that the GoodNews Christian School in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria is very near and dear to our hearts. We pledged support from Boggs Family Ministries to the school when it was only a dream and we have continued that support. We believe in the mission of the school and we are convinced they are changing lives for good in Abeokuta and beyond.

I posted in November when we visited the school again. We enjoyed the day with the students and the staff so much.

I mentioned then that they were trying to add four classrooms to one of the school buildings and that we had been helping them with the expense. We hoped to be able to help them even more.

Here is a picture of the building in November 2018.

This is what it looks like now. Bro. Shobanke sent me these pictures recently.


It is not finished, but I am so thrilled to see the progress. I am anxious to see it completed as soon as possible They need this classroom space right now and each year they need more and more space. It is a wonderful problem to have because that means more parents are willing to invest in sending their children to a school where they will receive an education that is unashamedly Christian.

That is awesome, especially considering that many of the school children come from families with no church affiliation and many come from Muslim families. They want their children to receive a good education even if that means they become Christians in the process.

Can you understand why that makes me excited? We are all about telling people about the joy, peace and contentment that can be found in a relationship with Christ, right? At GoodNews Christian School, families that have no knowledge of Christ at all are enrolling their children in the school and giving Sis. Ruth and Sis. Rebecca and their staff free reign to lead them to the loving embrace of the savior of the world.

That is so cool and I love it. That is worth investing in! If you want to help the school in construction or with operating expenses or with future expansion, there is a way for you to do that. You can contribute through Mission Giving here on our website or send it in the mail and in both instances indicate you are giving toward the school.

100% of what you give will go toward GoodNews Christian School in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. NOT ONE DIME of the money you give will be used in any way by Boggs Family Ministries. We always absorb all administrative costs or any other costs so that every cent you give toward the school goes directly and exclusively toward the school.

Thank you for reading today. May God bless you every one.


Boggs Family Ministries
P.O. Box 28
Waynesville, OH 45068