Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Isaacs In Plain City, Ohio 2021

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for writer duty today. How are you doing? I hope your first official week of summer has been good. This week for our family has been exciting. Our home church, Dryden Road Pentecostal Church, had four nights of revival. I enjoy getting to attend and support our church family during revival.

The Isaacs In Plain City, Ohio

Now it is time for today's main blog topic. We are rewinding to June 18th. Dad wrote a little about this fun day in Monday's post. You can read his post here.

Our long time faithful readers know that one of my favorite blog topics to cover are Isaacs concerts. I have tuned in to every virtual concert that I could in the last year. It has been way too long since I have been able to attend an Isaacs concert live. I am so thankful that we were able to be at Der Dutchman in Plain City for this concert!

This was a wonderful day of incredible music, awesome singing, visiting with precious family and delicious food! I think I smiled the whole day because I enjoyed myself so much!

I will hold onto the memories of this concert for a long time. The whole day was outstanding. I wish all of you could have experienced it too! Do not worry, I have plenty of pictures to share with you below.

I enjoyed getting to spend time with Sonya's children, Gatlyn and Evya Yeary. We had a lot of fun with them.


This night was dinner and a concert. Here are the pictures of my food for the evening.       

Then was go time for the main event, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Isaacs! It was a night filled with encouragement, fun, laughter and even a few good tears. I left there inspired! The Isaacs sang a wide variety of songs from the ever-growing catalog of music. Every song left me in awe. Their talent never ceases to leave me speechless!

Becky, Sonya and Ben

Josh Swift is the newest member of the Isaacs. He plays one of my favorite instruments, the dobro. Josh's talent is amazing!

My Beautiful Aunt Lily

Levi Bowman

Josh Swift

I was thrilled to enjoy this night with Papaw and Mamaw!

Our cousin Caleb also attended the concert. It is always great to see my buddy!

There you have my report from The Isaacs in Plain City, Ohio 2021.
Thanks to my family for making the night special for me! Aunt Lily, Ben, Sonya, Becky, Levi, Jakobi, Gatlyn, Evya, Mark, VeeVee, Nathan, and Josh I love all of you!

I will close for now. Thanks for reading. 
