Monday, August 31, 2020

What's Up Weekend? 8/31/2020

This weekend began with quite a bit of excitement and the rest of the weekend lived up to the theme. There is no sense in being bored, right?

We had a wonderful service Friday night to conclude revival. The altar service was tremendous and about 20-30 minutes into it the power flashed a few times and then went out, dramatically. That took out most of the music, but people kept right on praying and worshipping and testifying. It was awesome!

We visited after service and walked out of the church about one hour and 20 minutes after the power went out. As we went out the door, the power came back on for about two minutes, went back out and stayed off most of the night.

Food pictures first.

I took a few pictures after church in the dark.

We cranked the generator after church and were fine. I checked about 2:30 and the power was still out, but it was back on when I got up about 5:30.

We left the church at 7:40 AM Saturday and pointed the bus south and east. We fully intended to be in St. Stephens, Alabama to begin revival Sunday evening. As I mentioned yesterday, we had some difficulties with the bus right out of the box Saturday morning so we had to detour to East Tennessee Luxury Coach in Vonore, Tennessee. We are very thankful that we were able to make it here.

I let Pastor Lamar Chapman know that we would not make it to Alabama for Sunday night and he was very gracious toward us. Later in the day, he offered the option of postponing the revival one week and we accepted. That takes some pressure off of us.

Sunday morning we began a day of prayer for our nation and our world concerning COVID 19 and all of the impact it has produced. We know that ONLY God can heal our land and we are asking him to do it.

Praise God for His almighty help! We have heard reports of great prayer meetings all over the country Sunday. Praise God that His people are praying and seeking His face. Now, we trust Him to do what is best.

We will be pulling into the shop first thing this morning. Pray for us. Thank you for stopping by.
