Sunday, August 30, 2020

View Out The Front Window 8/30/2020

I intended to take a picture out the window this morning from a truck stop or rest area in south central Alabama. Plans go haywire sometimes and yesterday was one of those days. We ended up detouring to Jeff Rowe's shop in Vonore, Tennessee for a bus complication that I will describe once we have a handle on it.

Here is our view out the front window.

We were supposed to begin revival at Midway Assembly tonight, Sunday. I informed Pastor Lamar Chapman at the earliest moment that I could and he was gracious to allow me begin as soon as we could get there. Later Saturday he offered to postpone revival one week if it would work for us.

We are supposed to be in Nigeria the next week, but that does not look possible at this time, so we rescheduled revival to begin on September 6.

That takes some pressure off. Please pray that Jeff can get to the bottom of this bus situation.

I plan to have a short prayer meeting online about 8:00 this morning IF we have enough internet signal to do it. Our signal is a little flakey right now. I realize that people will be getting ready to go to church, but it will be archived on YouTube and I will embed it here. You can join us anytime later.

This is the prayer list I am praying over today.
-People affected by COVID 19 right now
-Families of the many hundreds of thousands that have died.
-Doctors and nurses and other medical personnel that have treated patients and dealt with the fallout.
-Local, state and national governments and leaders.
-Pastors, church leaders and churches.
-Businesses and the economic impact. Those that have lost their jobs.
-Doctors and scientists that are researching treatments, cures and vaccines. I desire for treatments and cures to be found.
-Finally, let us ask God to heal our land!

Thank you for stopping by.
