Monday, October 28, 2019

Our Weekend In The Rearview Mirror 10/28/19

We had intended to still be meandering on our way toward Sun Valley Church on Friday, but the threat of bad weather on the route caused us to drive the rest of the way Thursday.  I will have more to write about the trip later in the week, but we made it fine.

After six days of driving, Friday was designated to be a leisurely day of rest. I envisioned sleeping late and doing nothing but a little study and bookwork all day long, with a little visiting with friends thrown in for good measure.

I was able to go to sleep pretty good and rest good. The sleeping late part was spoiled by my impeccable and annoying awareness of time. I looked at the clock a few minutes before 6:00 and my mind determined I had already overslept by two hours, because it was nearly 8:00 AM in the eastern time zone.

I rolled over and told myself how silly that was, but found my brain was already convinced. So much for sleeping in, Davy, you crazy moron.

We spent the day working around the bus and then Pastor Mike Metzger stopped by a few hours for a visit. We also got to see Sis. Metzger and Sis. Rachel for a few minutes. We loved seeing our dear friends and catching up with them.

Friday evening we spent a few hours with Bro. Metzger at his home with some of his family. We had a pleasant visit with our friends, but I completely forgot to take pictures. If there are no pictures did it even happen?

Saturday was a cold and snowy day. The forecast for this week 10 days ago was beautiful, but the weather guessers flubbed it. Neither the snow or cold bothered us much, but since Odie was flying in from Cincinnati via Denver, we were concerned about an abundance of snow.

She made the flight to Denver, settled in for a long layover and then board the plane for Missoula.

The airport trip began a few hours early for us, because we wanted to make a few stops. First was Walmart to pick up a few grocery items and a small ceramic heater. We only have about 47 (Slight exaggeration) heaters in the barn, but we left without grabbing one. Ugh!

With forecast lows at near zero, we need a little heat in the water bay. A light bulb will warm it up enough in temperatures down to about 15, but anything lower requires something stronger.

Then we stopped for an early supper at Famous Daves. For some reason, Famous Daves is not a regular stop for us, but we always enjoy it when we go. The food evaporated before we could get pictures, but we did get this.

After the meal, we stopped at the big RV store in Missoula. I needed a sewer fitting and they had what I needed. After buying the item we needed we visited with George, Bro. Metzger's son in law, who works there. We will have pictures of George late in the week.

It has been a while since we looked at new RV's so we looked around a little. Wow! There were some nice ones in the showroom, but I think we will stay with the bus for a few more years.

Then it was finally time to bring the long lost girl back home! Odie's plane was early and we were glad to see her roll in.

Welcome home, Odie!

It is good to have Odie back on the bus. I am very thankful for my parents taking Odie to the airport in Cincinnati extremely early Saturday morning.

Sunday was a wonderful day with great services to kick off revival here at Sun Valley Church with Pastor Mike Metzger and all of his people. It is an absolute joy to be here and the revival services Sunday and the tremendous fellowship all day long are two sources of that joy.

Odie captured a few great pictures.

That wraps up our weekend in Montana. Please pray for revival at Sun Valley Church these next five nights. We desire the Lord to have His way.

Thank you for reading today.
