Friday, October 18, 2019

Bible Holiness Camp Meeting 2019 Pictures-Thursday

We are only at Camp Meeting in Elkton, Virginia for two days, but camp meeting always means lots of pictures. I wish my photographer was with me, but I managed to snap a few pictures along the way. Sis. Whitney helped me a bunch in the fellowship hall.

We have had a great time already and a wonderful service last night. Bro. Shuecraft preached so good about Getting Ready For The Glory and it touched us all. Praise God for His Word.

We have already visited with great friends that we rarely get to see. That has been tremendously refreshing. One of the great things about our life is the number of wonderful people we are blessed to meet. One of the disadvantages is that often our paths will not cross some of our best friends for long periods of time. It is so good to reconnect with God's wonderful people when we can.

Here are a few pictures.

Thank you for joining us today.
