Friday, May 3, 2019

Revival In Pictures -Ardmore, OK

We have been trying to get to Ardmore for revival for years. We were scheduled to be here about 4 years ago and the rains came tumbling down. The city of Ardmore and the surrounding area suffered historic flooding including the houses of people that attended the church. There was no way to have revival.

The second time Pastor Brent Moore and I scheduled for us to come did not work either so the third time was the charm. We rolled into town Tuesday and the revival has been great. Last night was the third night of revival and it has been better and better each night. I am looking forward to the finale tonight.

We have also enjoyed the fellowship. Bro. and Sis. Moore have been friends of ours for many years. Our times of fellowship are not as often as we like, but it is so pleasant and comfortable every time we get together.

Odie snapped some pictures along the way and we have here to thank for this Revival In Pictures post. I hope you enjoy.
