Monday, April 16, 2018

Weekend Woundup and Weview. 4/16/2018

When the Blue and White Gospel Tent is in the air our posts are heavy with pictures for two reasons.

1. Tent revival lends itself to pictures. Pictures look so good with the tent in the background.

2. The tent takes a lot of time and any free time is spent resting up for more tent time. That leaves less opportunity to be creative. Therefore, more pictures.

This week is no exception. The Weekend Woundup and Weview post has oodles of pictures!

Tent revival kicked off Friday night with an excellent service. I love being under the tent, but the first service usually sends my nervous meter up a notch. This time was a little different. 

Folks all over the country were praying for me and the tent revival. I approached the pulpit with very little nervous apprehension and a quiet confidence that God was going to show up. AND He Did! Praise God.

This is the first tent revival for many of these church folks but they began to worship right from the beginning. They also helped me preach and responded wonderfully in the altar service. It was great!

Saturday night we had strong storms forecast for the area so we had church inside. It was very cool Sunday evening so we had church inside Sunday night too. Here are pictures from the weekend of services inside.

It was wonderful to have Bro. Joel and Sis. Amber Isham visit us Sunday night. They drove 2+ hours to be here. We were tremendously blessed to have them.

They brought a young lady from their church named Emily.

That wraps up the weekend. It is still going to be cool tonight but we hope to be able to have church under the tent. The rest of the week should be better.

Thanks for reading today.


Sunday, April 15, 2018

View Out The Front Window April 15, 2018

This was our view out the front window Monday night in a rest area near Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

I failed to snap a picture our the window at Richton Tuesday night, but here is a picture of the BoggsMobile and tent trailer at Richton.

This is our view out the front window Saturday night at Summit Holiness Church in Prattville, Alabama.

If I turn the camera little to the left and take a picture out the driver's window, this is what we see. That is a beautiful sight.

I hope you have a great Sunday. Thanks for reading today.


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Hard Work Pays Off

Note From Davy: 

We began ten revival last night for Pastor Rick Simpson and Summit Holiness Church. Praise God for the wonderful first night! I am so thrilled to be back under the tent. Thanks for all of those covering us in prayer. May God bless you for it.


Now a word from Odie:

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday, this is Odie checking in from Alabama. 

Last weekend was the Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Did you see our recaps of this awesome event? On Saturday I posted a few pictures with my notes from the weekend and on Tuesday and Thursday we posted pictures galore. 

People gather from across the nation every year for PFYC. You all know I highly recommend the conference to everyone. It is truly amazing to experience PFYC. People plan and save for months to make their trip possible every year. Hard work really does goes into to a PFYC trip. 

There is one special group of people that I am extremely proud of for making the trip to PFYC 2018. They traveled all the way from Atwater, California, and that is the crew from Amazing Grace Holiness Tabernacle. Many people from their church worked long hard hours so that they could send their young people to PFYC.

You might remember this picture of the Green Machine getting a bath last November. 

We were there when they had a car wash and a bake sale. It was the first fundraiser toward their goal of PFYC. They were all excited about to possibility of getting to attend PFYC. 

That fundraiser was just a few “drops in the bucket” or “crumbs” in the big picture. They were determined to make it work. I am so proud of them. 

This sweetheart did not get to make the trip. She worked so hard and she was the star of the car wash. Her enthusiasm was invigorating that day. 

They ended up with 13 people from the church at PFYC. California was well represented. I am so proud of them for making the trek across the country. 11 of them traveled by plane and the van to reach Pigeon Forge. They had a few bumps in the road but I am glad everything worked out for them in the end.

They all seem to have a great time. I know the girls received encouragement from God in the altars. Thursday night I was able to pray with them and it was blessing to me to see them be blessed. Their gang was even able to represent California Friday evening in the PFYC Mass Choir. The did an excellent job!

Emily and J.C. Burris are students at Heritage Seminary in Savanah, Georgia. They met up with their church group at PFYC. Emily and J.C. are wonderful young people! I am proud of them.

Pastor Jared and Sis. Valerie Burris are some of our dearest friends. We enjoyed getting to see them at PFYC! Thank you all for bringing your group! We love you!

The beautiful girls from Amazing Grace Holiness Tabernacle at PFYC. 

Some of the guys of the gang. 

I was so glad to see my buddy, Clayton. 

Finally, I had to post a picture of me with the star of Amazing Grace Holiness Tabernacle, Mr. Grant C. Burris. 

It was great to be with my friends. One of the girls said their hard labor was definitely worth it. Their hard work and determination paid off for them. I was glad to see them at PFYC 2018!

Thanks for stopping by to visit us. It always great to have you visit us. Have a great weekend. 
