Sunday, July 9, 2017

View Out The Front Window July 9, 2017

Check out our posts from last week at the links below.

I could not connect good to the internet last night or early this morning so I put this post up with pictures only. I am trying to repair that now.

This is our picture out the back door of the lodge in Carter Caves State Park near Olive Hill, Kentucky.

This is our view out the front door.

We plan to be on our way back to Ohio later today. I hope you have a terrific Sunday. Thanks for reading.


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Save The Date For PFYC 2018

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in from Kentucky. My phone signal comes and goes so I hope I can get this to post. Today is The Boggs Reunion at beautiful Carter Caves State Park. I am amazed at the beauty here every time we visit. I am looking forward to catching up with some dear family members I have not been able to see in a long time. I know we will have pictures to share next week. 

We get to attend and participate in lots of great meetings throughout the year. Wow, I am so thankful we get the privilege to travel from place to place. We have been blessed to meet many of you through our travels. One event I love attending every chance I get is the Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. 

You can look back through our blog archives by looking at the Label PFYC and see several posts from the years we have attended. You can also google "PFYC boggsblogs" and find lots of posts. Click here to see pics and notes from 2017.

PFYC is not just a wonderful chance to see lots of friends or make new friends! It is a place to meet with God and gain strength and encouragement. I go each time with a mindset to receive something special from the Lord. I never leave disappointed! The official website says this about PFYC 

"The Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference is a two day annual gathering of young people meant to provide fellowship and promote holy, victorious Christian living and Holy Ghost empowerment to today’s youth"

This year the board of PFYC has asked me to spread the word about PFYC. I am encouraging everyone to save April 5th and 6th 2018. Mark your calendars now and make plans to experience this awesome event next year. 

Click here to see the PFYC website for details and information. Pentecostal Fire Youth Conference is open for all to attend. The young, middle aged and older can find encouragement gathering with thousands of people to worship God together in one place and to hear tremendous preaching.

Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend. 


Friday, July 7, 2017

A Useful Gift!

Some of you have heard me tell a story in my preaching about our first married Christmas. I was not making much money and there were things we needed. Sure, we wanted things but we needed other things more. I put a very practical gift in layaway at Sears for Kelly Jo.

We were opening presents at my parents house and Kelly Jo's gift was wrapped under the tree. When she opened it, she found a brand new Kenmore canister vacuum cleaner!

It took weeks to pay it out of layaway in time for Christmas, but I thought is was the perfect gift. KJ needed a vacuum. It was Christmas. She liked it. It worked good for us. 

My Mother thought this practical gift was a good teaching moment. I needed to learn that wives deserve gifts they want or even something that might be considered luxury at Christmas. She told me to save practical gifts for other times, not Christmas and birthdays.

Even though Kelly Jo loved the Kenmore and used it for years, I have tried to take that lesson to heart, at least part of the time. Thanks for the help Mom!

Let me tell you why I am thinking about a Christmas present 32 years later. Yesterday we were working in the house and Kelly Jo was sweeping sawdust from boards that I was about to paint. We have an old wet/dry vac that we have also had for years.

She need a certain attachment and she knew exactly which one she needed. The job required the gray attachment in the picture below.

You know where that attachment came from, right? Yep, you guessed it. The gray attachment is from the Sears Kenmore canister vacuum that I bought for our first Christmas. She kept the attachments long after the vacuum served its time.

Now, how is that for a practical gift that is still at least partially useful 32 years later?

I do have two question for KJ. I am afraid to add up how many times we have moved from house to house, from RV to RV and from state to state. We have not lived a stationary life at all. 

Question # 1: Where in the world did you keep that thing all these years?

Question # 2: How did you find it exactly when you needed it when I know that you have no clue where your keys or phone are right this moment?

I suppose the mysteries of life will always remain mysteries! I am glad she had it handy!

I sure would like to be useful long after it seems I should be! Maybe Kelly Jo will know what to do with me some day.😁

Have a great day.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

4th of July Parade

We put in a really, really long day on the house yesterday and we are starting early today. That leaves me with a muddy mind and not enough time to sort through the mud for a blog worthy diamond. I will try to work on that.😁

Odie always sends in pictures for times like this. She attended the 4th of July parade with some of the family in Waynesville last Saturday morning. It looks like they had a good time and the weather was nice.

Is that the Bat Mobile?

Wow! Lady Liberty in Waynesville?

This is by far the best thing in the whole parade. My brother Steve driving the tractor previously owned and well used by our Grandpa Godfrey Isaacs. It was restored and is owned by Gary Coffman. 

That is so cool!

Not quite Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade but not bad for a small town.

It is time to get to work. We are trying to finish a phase on a house project today since we are wanting to leave tomorrow for the weekend in Kentucky.

Thanks for reading today.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Special Visitors

We have had two sets of special visitors the last two days and we were thrilled to see them. 

Monday the Walley family from Pastor Scott Morris' church in Richton, Mississippi came to see us. They are on vacation and planned time to stop in and see the progress on the house.

Some of you may remember that Bro. Sheldon Walley came with Bro. Scott to help frame the house the last week of May.

IMG_4070-745210.JPG (320×240)

They worked two long days on the framing of the house and were a great big help. You can read about that week and see pictures HERE.

They text me Saturday night and told me they would be in the area Sunday and wanted to stop and see us. We were out of town preaching so they shuffled their list of things to do and came in on Monday.

They stayed long enough to eat a bite of lunch and drink a little salsa with us at Acapulco. 

They had to move on that evening but we appreciate them driving out of their way to see the house and us. It was very thoughtful of them and may God bless them for it.

Tuesday evening Kelly Jo's parents came to see us. We were just finishing our work on the house as they arrived. Kelly Jo and Odie gave them the nickel tour while I finished up.

They have been covered up with medical stuff and then threw moving in on top of all that. This was their first chance to see the progress on the house. They were glad to see it and we were happy to have them here.

They came to celebrate Kelly Jo's birthday so we ate a late supper with them and enjoyed their company for as long as we could.

Today is another day of work.

Thank you for checking in.


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Put A Lid On It!

I hope you have a nice 4th of July!

I promised last week to show you the rest of the pictures from the roof install and I need to tell the rest of the story too.

Bro. Mitch Boggs Jr. and Bro. Jayson Fellers brought their families in 2015 and put a roof on the barn for us.

We loved having them then and we are so happy they were willing to come again to put the roof on the house that is being built for Odie to live in!

They arrived Wednesday morning after driving most of the night and worked a few hours. They needed rest badly but they completed quite a bit in those few hours. 

Thursday they hit the ground running and ran hard all day long! You will see in the pictures below that they worked very late. I looked at my clock when they called it quits for the night and it was 10:51 PM. Wow!

These first pictures are from Odie.

The wind kept popping up a bit Thursday and it became a little dicey a time or two. They all took the wind in stride and kept right on working.

Friday morning they had a little more soffit and a little more porch ceiling to complete.

Bro. Mitch Boggs Jr, Odie and Bro. Jayson Fellers

They pulled out about 1:30 on Friday. It was sad for us.

Mom and Dad jumped in to help us clean up and a couple of hours later, we were finished.

Here are pictures from my phone on Thursday and Friday.

Bro. Mitch has lifts for this high stuff at home but he did it all from an old extension ladder here. He went up and down a whole bunch of times!

Mom, Dad, Steve and Kelly Jo prepared food several times.

I told you earlier that they worked late Thursday.

When it came time for them to leave Friday, it was hard to see them go!

But they left behind some beautiful work! Bro. Mitch, Bro. Jayson, Colton, Cinch and Braden worked so hard. The smaller kids and Sis. Lynn and Sis. Brittany worked hard too! We are very thankful for all that they contributed toward this special project! Their work is excellent!

The roof is taupe color like the barn roof but the trim, soffits and porch ceilings are white. It really looks great!

I think that wraps up the roof part of the construction. I am working inside this week and we had some visitors Monday. I will try to tell you more about that tomorrow.

I hope you have a great day. Thank you for dropping in to sit a spell.
