Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Lord, I Believe!

I have written about this lots of times before but I think it needs to be repeated over and over. It seems that God constantly stretches the faith of His children by normal every day happenings and completely unexpected events in our lives.

It is fun to watch things come together when it looks near impossible for them to work out right. I have been having a bunch of fun lately because God has been bringing numerous pieces together for us the last few weeks. Praise God for His faithfulness.

City Reach was a complete test of radical faith and God proved Himself more than sufficient for the task. Several times during City Reach I would look at Kelly Jo or Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe and wonder out loud about the excitement of not knowing where and how the Lord was going to come through.

It was thrilling right then because we knew God was working even when we could not see it! In the back of my mind through all of that, I was curious what in the world God had in store for us after City Reach!

Now I know. He was going to direct us to Hodgenville, Kentucky for Music and Ministry Month (Completely outside our comfort zone) and He was going to have us build a house for Odie's future.

The faith stretching events of the past several years have definitely prepared us to be stretched a little more this year! I love that!

I am pretty transparent on this blog and in my preaching. I often tell about my struggles in believing God to do exactly what He has promised to do. Faith in God is one of my favorite subjects. Faith in God is a wonderful, amazing and often elusive thing for me. I pray often, "Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief."

The awesome thing is that just like the desperate father in the Bible that prayed that prayer, that statement does not disqualify me to receive the answer I am seeking. We think of that last phrase "Help thou my unbelief" as a dis-qualifier. But somehow in God's economy it often becomes the qualifier.

It is as if God appreciates the honesty. 
God I trust you! 
God I have faith you will do it. 
God I believe! 
But, Lord, there is a little part of my heart that I am not sure of yet. 
In the middle of the night, when I am all alone. 
-When the pain is great, when confusion reigns, Lord, I admit that I have doubts, fears and misgivings. 
Lord, help my unbelief.

It seems that God takes our declaration of faith mixed with the honest confession of nagging fears and doubts and puts it in the balance and finds in us the faith necessary to send the miracle we need. Hallelujah!

However, there are other times that I sense God pointing us in a certain impossible direction and in the depths of my soul I know without any doubt He is going to provide the open door and the means to walk through the door.

I have preached for years that where God leads, He feeds and where God guides He provides! I have watched him do it time after time. There are some impossibilities we face and I have no doubt whatsoever that God is about to do a miracle!

I wish I could say that I am right there right now. But honestly I am more in the Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief position at the moment! But I am content there. God works miracles there. God is about to work another one there.

Plus, He has been whispering to my spirit and I am feeling my faith rise up! There is no telling what God may do!

Are you in an impossible situation? Are you facing a head shaking dilemma? Get ready, friend. Have faith in God! Confess your faith to God. Confess your doubt to God. Watch God do the impossible in your life!

That is just the kind of God He is!

Thanks for reading today.
