Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wednesday Night In West Harrison, Indiana

Wednesday included salsa, a short visit with great friends at the barn and a great Christmas service for Pastor Wade Hicks and the West Harrison Pentecostal Church in West Harrison, Indiana. Let us start with a picture of the salsa first! 

Oops, there is no salsa in the picture but I promise there was plenty of salsa on the table.

Before we went to lunch we had a few visitors. I will tell you more about that another day.

Early Wednesday I turned on the block heater in the bus engine since the temperatures have been so cold lately. I left it on all day and when I cranked at 2:30, it turned over and started without any hesitation at all. I like that a lot!

I had not started the BoggsMobile since November 15. I believe that is the longest time we have ever went without starting it and running up and down the roads, but we were gone 25 of those days. We will be headed west in a week and I wanted to make sure everything is in good shape.

We pulled out of the barn a little before 3:00 PM and hit the road.

We lost about 10 minutes in a traffic jam on the west side of Cincy due to a traffic accident but we still made it to West Harrison in plenty of time.

Kelly Jo and I carried everything inside and set up the sound system and we were ready to go early as planned.

We had another wonderful Christmas service.

It was a sweet service with a powerful conclusion and we were rejoicing by the time it was completed.

I know that God really helped some folks, including us.

Pastor Wade Hicks and Davy

Sis. Chrissy Hicks took the next four pictures from the congregation.

Pastor Brian Hisle and his family came to be with us Wednesday night. We were with them on Tuesday so it was a special treat for them to make the very long drive down to be with us a second night.

West Harrison was supposed to be  our last night of Christmas singing but our Pastor asked us to sing for Christmas service Sunday morning. We were going to be there anyway so we are very glad to accommodate Bro. Bennie. If your church is not having service Sunday morning, come be with us at Dryden Rd. Sunday at 11:00 AM.

Soon we were all packed up and on our way to Frisch's for fun, food and fellowship, not necessarily in that order!

By midnight we were backed into the barn and hooking up to utilities. I am very happy to say the BoggsMobile performed flawlessly for the 115 mile round trip. That really makes me smile!

Today the girls are going to finish preparations for Christmas and probably mosey toward Hillsboro. I have a barn project in mind that will involve a trip or two to Lowe's or Home Depot and then a day or two of piddling work. I want to avoid to much strain, we are too close to Christmas for that.

Thanks for reading today.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday Night in New Castle, Indiana

The laptop I use every day is several years old but I had to replace the hard drive two years ago. The hard drive seems to have kicked the bucket again yesterday. Bummer!

We have another laptop that Kelly Jo uses some. We need to get it out and hook it to the internet. It is difficult to get the blog to format correctly on my iPhone. 

We had a nearly two hour drive home after church last night and then I spent a good amount of time trying to get my computer going. That puts me running short on time this morning so you get mostly pictures today. 

We drank a little salsa at noon Tuesday. 

Yesterday afternoon we drove to New Castle, Indiana to sing in a Christmas service for Pastor Brian Hisle and his church. It was a wonderful evening. 

We appreciate the Hisle family's friendship. They have been friends of ours for many years and we love their family very much. 

Here are a few pictures from last night. I hope you enjoy. Thank you for reading today. 


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Road Pictures From Nigeria

Kelly Jo and I have been resting good since we returned home but I have been waking up at 4:00 AM every night. My body is telling me it is 10:00 or 11:00 AM and I have to get up. Monday morning I slept passed my internal "wake up call" and it was wonderful. I hope that continues at least some of the time.

We have a few road pictures taken out the window while in Nigeria. Although traffic can be hectic and travel nerve-wracking in Nigeria, it really is the best way to get a view of the country. Folks usually love to see the road pictures and I have already had a few ask where they are.

Bro. Shobanke's nephew, Emmanuel, drives for us and has driven us nearly every day of every time we have been there. We love his driving. He is politely aggressive and generously uses his horn. Using the horn in Nigeria is not an expression of anger at all. It is generally a polite way of saying to other drivers and pedestrians, "Hey, I am here and I am coming through. I am beeping because you may not see me."

Bro. Shobanke's oldest son, also named Emmanuel, picked us up a couple of time and drove us to the church this year. He did a great job too.

Most of these pictures are taken out the windows so they are not as clear as they should be. It seems a little intrusive to roll the window down and take pictures of everyone as we go by, so we take them through the window.

We had never seen these three wheel taxis in Nigeria before but they are every where now.

There is also a new company selling motorcycles there. They are a little bigger than the motorcycle taxis used to be. The company has sold thousands of them in Nigeria the last two years.

Notice the baby on the mother's back. We have seen taxi bikes with another child in front of the driver and a third adult between the driver and the mother with the child on her back.

This is the entrance to the Christ Campaigner's Church in Osun State.

This is school children walking home.

That is all the pictures from Nigeria. I will try to write a post summing up the whole trip soon. Thank you for reading today.
