Monday, May 9, 2016

#19 Weekend Woundup and Weview

This weekend was definitely a working weekend but that is exactly the kind of weekend we like. Odie even got in on the action; cleaning her power chair.

By 6:30 AM Saturday Bro. Jimmie was pulling his trailer into Ralston Park and soon he was parked and ready to go.

The set up crew starting showing up shortly after 8:00 and in a couple of hours most of the work was completed.

The set up went well and we even attempted to wash the top of it after it was in the air. We did manage to get a few layers of Arizona dirt off the tent but we may have a few more to go. There is always something to piddle with the tent and that is what we did most of the day. We sure appreciate all of the help. We will try to post more pictures of the set up later in the week.

The church folks went out after the rain on Saturday and passed out a bunch more City Reach flyers. This church has passed out nearly 4000 color flyers in this city. That is amazing and we already are reaping the results from it. I will tell you more about that in a moment.

Saturday the tent was pretty quiet overnight. We did get to pray for a couple of folks and visit with a few more. I sure enjoy the interaction with people when we are set up in cities. Some are immediately asking for prayer and many are instantly curious about a tent going up. The tent is a tremendous conversation starter. I have heard that the days of tent revivals are over but they forgot to tell everyone!

Bro. Jimmy and I took turns staying with the tent Saturday night but some of the young men are helping us with the night shift this week. I am typing this under the tent late Sunday night but the young men will take over shortly and by the time you read this they should have their first night under their belt.

Here is the city park sign shortly after daylight Sunday morning.

Sunday morning we had a great Mother's Day service in the church. Pastor Jared Burris preached great and there was a great crowd there too.

Sunday afternoon found us busy at the tent but Sis. Cindy Burris and her helpers sent food to us any way! It was delicious! Today was also "Little" Jared's 18th Birthday. Happy Birthday, friend!

Sunday night we had a wonderful crowd and a wonderful altar service as well. We had several first time visitors and a very good number of people listening AND praying in the park. I always say that every time we set up the tent we have at least one person under the tent praying for salvation that has never been to the local church. We already had that last night and now we are looking for many more!

One of the people that prayed Sunday night came as a direct result of one of those 4000 flyers that were passed out! You talk about quick results! That is awesome! But I believe God is going to multiply that many times over.

Many of you have let us know that you are continuing to pray diligently for City Reach and we certainly appreciate it very much. It is very obvious to me and to others that God is hearing and answering your prayer! God bless you, friends.

That pretty much wraps up our weekend. Thanks for reading.


Sunday, May 8, 2016

View Out the Front Window May 8, 2016

I will try to add the links from this past week's post later. I cannot do that from my phone and I have not had a chance to sit down at the computer.


Check out our posts from the last week at the links below.

This was our view out the front window at a Rest Area north of Bakersfield where we spen the night Monday. 

This is our view out the front door at Amazing Grace in Atwater, California. 

This is our view out the front window. 

The tent is up in Ralston Park in Atwater and we begin revival tonight. 

We are excited to get started! I hope you have a great Sunday. 


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Happy Mother's Day 2016

Hey Friends, it is Odie coming to you from the wonderful state of California. 

Today the Gospel Tent is going up in Atwater, California. We are super excited to have City Reach in Atwater. Revival begins tomorrow night, May 8th, and will go through Sunday night, May 15th. You are invited to join us for revival!

Pastor Jared Burris and the people of Amazing Grace Holiness Tabernacle have been working hard to spread the word about revival. Many people have promised to come. We are praying and believing they will come and be changed through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow is a day set aside to honor Mothers. I have been contemplating this post for a while. I wish I had eloquent words to express my love for my mother but alas words fail me. 

I Googled mother and a list of definitions popped up. In the middle of the list was a verb definition and stood out to me. 
  1. 1. 
    bring up (a child) with care and affection.
    "the art of mothering"
I am definitely not an English scholar but I do remember that a verb is an action word. And I was thinking being a mother is truly an action! My mother has turned being a mom into a verb. My mom is always in action. I think she has mastered the art of motherhood in an amazing fashion. She freely offers  me care and affection with a smile.  She is always going well beyond the call of duty to make sure I am well cared for. 

My beautiful mother, Kelly Jo Boggs, is a person dedicated to her family. She spends her life doing everything she can for me and my Dad. She is not afraid of work. Mom has always jumped right in and did whatever needs doing to get a job completed. 

I try to take time to thank my Mama regularly through words and special little gifts to show her my appreciation all throughout the year. I love it when I get a chance to spoil mom a little bit. Mom is always doing things for others. She pushes her needs to the back burner. My awesome Mom deserves the spotlight and some special attention. She is totally unselfish and I want to be more like her. 

She is also a woman of God. I know when I need prayer for something really important she will pray for me. She truly believes when we pray that things will be accomplished. Mom puts faith into action. And she is always been my encourager. 

This was taken Tuesday night 

Mom, I love you so much! I truly do not know what I would do without you in my life. Thank you for being a wonderful example to me. I want to be a Godly woman like you. And if God ever blesses me with children of my own I pray to be a mother like you have been to me. Thank you for all that you do for me! I am thankful that you have taught me to rely on God. You have also let me see we are all human and make mistakes but we do not wallow in tough times. We get up and do something differently. 

I want to wish my Mom and every other Mother a Happy Mother's Day. You deserve to be celebrated for your awesomeness! Thank you for taking time to read today. 
