Friday, January 30, 2015

Revival In Pictures - Cedar Creek Holy Church of God

Thanks for all the positive feedback on my sentimental post yesterday. Thanks for understanding my heart. We are very thankful for the dozens millions of faithful and encouraging readers that tune in each day.

We have been having a great week at Cedar Creek Holy Church of God. God has been helping His people and we are very, very thankful for it. Tonight is youth rally and we know God is going to meet with us again.

As I mentioned in Wednesday's post our schedule has changed for next week. Most of the folks in the next church are sick with the flu, viruses and pneumonia so that Pastor felt it best to cancel. I am not interested in catching and carrying any of that to the next church so I am in complete agreement.

We are sincerely asking God for a breakthrough in this revival at Cedar Creek and we are considering staying here for Sunday service. Pastor Darius Templeton has thrown the door wide open for us to stay and he and I are both leaning that direction.

If we stay here for Sunday and no longer, there is a Pastor of a local church that would like for us to come for a few nights next week. We are definitely considering that too. Thank God for the guidance He has given. Please pray that we will walk in His will and that God will receive the glory in these revival services.

I hope you enjoy the Cedar Creek Revival In Pictures and a random picture at the end.

The last few days have been absolutely beautiful.

Our dear friends David and Karen Noe totally surprised us by showing up for revival Monday night. It is rare that somebody completely catches me off guard by coming to see us but they did. Bro. David and Sis. Karen are evangelists now and are parked about 90 minutes away where they have been preaching. We sure love the Noe family and we appreciate them taking time on a night off to spend some time with us.

Several Pastors joined us in service on Tuesday night. It sure was great to have them with us. They were all a blessing.

Pastor Dalton Tate

Pastor Larry Daugherty

Pastor Shane Pursley

Pastor Andrew Parker

Last night the Apostle Donald C. Williamson came to be with us and was a great blessing. We do love us some Bro. Donnie in great big doses. 

He brought the Epistle with him and we love her too.

It was great to have Bro. and Sis. Loyd too.

Here is a random Lazy OD Ranch barn picture. Bro. Kelley Lamb stopped by this week to measure the roof for me. This is what it looked like that day. As you can see from all of the snow, we are very happy we are in the south right now.

Thanks for reading.
