Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Tent Is Down

Early Monday morning I went to the tent to prepare every thing for taking it down later in the evening. I organized everything in the trailer and strapped it all in and then I took down the lights that were still hanging in the tent. We had a very heavy dew overnight so the tent and ground were very wet. It would take a miracle to get the tent down dry especially with a 50% chance of storms most of the day.

Yet that is exactly what happened. The rain moved out, the sunshine pushed through the clouds and a steady wind blew all day long. By the time we gathered a few minutes before 6:00 the tent was dry. There was a little water in the folds but it was easily dried and we placed the tent in the bags with no visible moisture. Praise God, that takes a big worry off of me.

We had lots of help and in 30 minutes the tent was down and packed away in the trailer. Bro. Switzer moved the tent trailer to the pavement for me with his truck. I will be able to back right up to it later this morning and hook up with no problem. Once we get the Green Machine loaded we will turn the BoggsMobile toward Millry, Alabama.

We are around 590 miles from there right now. I would like to drive most of that today and Thursday and make Wednesday a rest day. That will work IF I can find a suitable place to park a 72' long rig between here and there. We will be pulling in Friday and trying to figure out the placement of the bus, the trailer and the tent. We are having tent revival on the same piece of property as we did last year but we are parking the bus and setting the tent in different locations on the property. I will sort it all out when I get there.

After the tent was down and secure we went for one last meal with the Hortons and the Switzers. We have enjoyed their fellowship so much this week. They are all very fine people with big hearts full of love and compassion. We love being around their Godly influence. 

It is difficult to leave them and move on down the road but that is what we are called to do. Even though we must leave we take comfort in two things. By God's grace we will be back around to see our friends in Bristol again and secondly we are on our way to be with other dear friends that we have been missing and are excited to see.

God bless you all.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Grace Tabernacle - Revival In Pictures

This Revival In Pictures post covers the last four services of tent revival in Bristol, Virginia. We had a glorious service last night to cap it off. Wow! Thank you for praying for us. I hope you enjoy the pictures and the color commentary. 

Be sure and look for the picture of Odie getting a kiss. 

The tent at sunrise Sunday

Pastor David Horton and Davy

Bro. Michael Switzer and Davy

We had a visit Friday night from my cousin Mike Kramer. Mike his wife Polly and their daughter Jessica came from Tennessee to see us. It was wonderful to catch up with them! It has been years since our paths have crossed. I am thrilled we were able to see them again! 

Mike is a first cousin on my Dad's side. We had a great visit and we are thrilled they joined us in tent revival. They live close to Kingsport, Tennessee.

Three pictures of Mike and his family. 

This man was saved in May 2013 under the Gospel tent right here in Bristol, Virginia. 

Odie looking for her prince!

Thanks for reading. We hope to take the tent down this evening. 
