Thursday, March 6, 2014

Revival In Pictures - White Plains Holiness Assembly

We have had five wonderful services at White Plains Holiness Assembly this week. We have enjoyed being with the Graham family and all of the church. These folks have been so good to us through the years and we appreciate it very much. May God bless you all for your kindness and hospitality. 

We are on our way later today (Thursday) to Pensacola for a little work on the BoggsMobile. Hopefully by Friday evening or Saturday morning we will be going back across the bay toward Mobile and the Allentown Meeting. We are supposed to minister at the Friends and Family Day at Tanner Williams Sunday morning and then preach Sunday night in Richton, Mississippi. We are really looking forward to Sunday. 

I hope you enjoy the pictures. 


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Allentown March Fellowship Meeting 2014 is Next Week!

Here we are in the month of March and the Allentown Holiness March Fellowship Meeting in Semmes, Alabama is on us once again. It begins next Tuesday morning March 11th and runs through Friday night March 14th. It is always a super great meeting with lots of friends, fun, food and fellowship. Oh and we have a bunch of good church too.

The Allentown March Meeting has always been a time of spiritual refreshing for our family. We will hear 5-6 sermons each day and enjoy great singing each and every service. The preaching and singing will charge our batteries and we will leave the meeting ready to take on the world. It happens every year.

Pastor Eugene Futral

Pastor Eugene Futral, his family, his church and the other churches and Pastors that participate work so hard to prepare for the meeting. They are all such a blessing to every person that walks on the grounds. I sure appreciate them working so diligently so that folks from across the nation can be blessed and refreshed.

The preaching is always excellent at Allentown. This year the scheduled night speakers are Bro. Bill Preskitt, Bro. Tim Brimm, Bro. Kevin Lloyd and Bro. Jonathon Brock. I know that God will use these men to minister His Word to His people. I am excited about each and every night service.

There are usually three preachers in the morning service and Pastors on the Allentown board are in charge of running those services and choosing the preachers. Most of the visiting preachers have been given warning if they need to be prepared to preach and they should be ready to go as well. The days services are some of the best services in the meeting.

There will be young preachers each evening during the youth service. Perhaps Odie's husband will show up in one of those services. I am sure she would like that.

The Allentown Meeting does bring a little sadness this year. Our dear friends, Bro. George and Sis. Arlene Brimm are not going to be able to make it to Allentown. We have been hanging out with them for years at the March meeting and we are so disappointed they are not able to come. They are some of our very favorite people in the world.

Sis. Brimm has been very sick the last several months and she is not able to travel at this time. They are so consumed with all the things going on that traveling is not even on the radar right now but they would like to be there so badly. We are going to miss them terribly. In fact, we may not have anybody to hang out with this year!

Please pray for our dear friends. They are carrying a heavy load and a special touch from the Lord would be a great blessing to them right now. God bless our friends.

We always go to Dairy Queen one afternoon with the Brimm's. It is an Allentown tradition. Bro. Brimm is an ice cream eating machine!

We always argue, fight and squabble over who is going to buy the ice cream. Bro. Brimm always says it is his year to buy and I always say it is my year to buy. Last year we let Odie buy. That worked out good for everybody.

If you have never been to Allentown it is still not too late to make plans to attend. If it has been a while since you have made the trip, come on down. It may not be as warm as it usually is here in March but it is well above freezing and that is better than most places up North. The weather guessers are saying 60's and low 70's. You will be glad you came.

God bless you all.
