Thursday, January 30, 2014

Revival In Pictures - Weir, Kansas

Another revival has come and gone at Faith Tabernacle Church in Weir, Kansas. Pastor James Fellers and his great folks have been our faithful friends through the years and we absolutely love coming to be with them each year. We have enjoyed the services and all of the wonderful fellowship.

I mentioned in an earlier post that one of the young men from the church is getting married in Oklahoma Saturday. We closed revival last night (Wednesday) since most of the folks will be involved in the wedding. I am sure some of them will be leaving today and others on Friday.

We plan to leave here this morning and mosey toward the Tulsa area for our next revival. We all have managed to avoid colds and flu so far this winter so we feel pretty good in our bodies. I know we will benefit from a few nights of rest for our voices. If we can avoid any loud fights among ourselves the next couple of days that will save our voices, I am sure.

I hope you enjoy the pictures from revival in Weir, Kansas!

God bless you all.


We celebrated Jason and Brittany Fellers 10 year anniversary after church Wednesday.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Few BoggsMobile Projects

The extremely cold weather always brings problems on the BoggsMobile. Cold temperatures bring fresh water leaks, coolant leaks and air leaks galore. I have been working on the coolant and fresh water leaks the last few weeks when the weather cooperated.

This is the bay on the BoggsMobile that houses the Aquahot. I have written about the Aquahot before. It is diesel fired and heats our domestic water, heats coolant for heat exchanges that heat the inside of the bus and the plumbing bay. It also can heat the engine coolant to warm the engine on cold days. The Aquahot unit is just beyond the yellow coolant jugs in the picture below.

I lay up in there to work on leaks, electrical problems and to add coolant to the Aquahot system. Although is is pretty hot up there in the summer time is felt pretty good yesterday when it was 10 degrees out where my feet were.

This valve is on the line from the boiler to the circulation pumps. The three circulation pumps push heated coolant to the heat exchangers. The valve has been leaking and the leak has been getting worse.

This is a close up of the valve.

I tightened the packing two weeks ago and slowed the leak down quite a bit. I tightened it more this week and it is really doing good now. The valve will eventually have to be replaced and it will be a bear to change. I am so glad to have the leak stopped for at least a while. I really need that heat in my bays when the temperatures are in the single digits and the wind is blowing.

The fresh water system often leaks when it really gets cold too. I had double clamped every fitting that I could and had stopped the leaks temporarily. They always flare up again as the extreme cold moves in. 

Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe had some time last week while we were in Bristow and he took on the project of replacing hose with Pex water lines. The old stuff is the clear mesh hose in the background.

I took off all the water lines from the manifold and then removed the manifold.

In just a few minutes Bro. Jimmie had the old lines removed and the new 1/2" Pex lines installed. Perfect! No leaks so far.

After he was finished the water manifold was re-installed and the cover was back in place. 

Thanks Bro. Jimmie for a job well done!

I also removed this panel in another bay the same day. 

Behind the panel is the fresh water hose reel. The hose has been breaking as it ages and I am down to about 15' of water hose now. It is 18 years old so it has had a pretty long life. I needed to get the Model # so I could price a new one. I will finish that up at a later date.

I have several more projects that need attention but I am tackling the ones that I can when I have the time and the weather cooperates. There is one consolation in all of this. At least I am not pastoring a church!


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Three Prayer Requests

Three Prayer Requests

Savanna Coffman

My first cousin, Mike Coffman, has a daughter that had a heart transplant yesterday. She has really been through it. Savanna had a heart transplant a few years ago and in recent weeks that heart had failed. They first put her on a heart pump then last week implanted an artificial heart. Sunday night they were told that a heart had become available and by Monday afternoon the heart was in and working good. She has a long ways to go so please pray for Savanna Coffman and her family.

Pastor James Link

Some of you may recognize the name of Pastor James Link. We have preached three revivals for him the last few years including a tent revival on the site of their new church in Neosho, Missouri last fall. Bro. Link noticed severe problems with his heart on Saturday and has been in the hospital ever since. He was scheduled for open heart surgery Wednesday but after a bad night they took him into surgery this morning (Tuesday). (Update: Bro. Link came through surgery well. Praise God.)

To complicate things even further, Bro. Link and his congregation just sold their existing church building and need to be out of it in three weeks. The new building is not ready yet and they have decisions to make and lots of work to do in a short time. Please pray for Bro. Link, his wife and family and all of the folks at Victory Assembly in Neosho.

The Mitch Boggs Family in Missouri

Our friends in Missouri had a fire on their property Sunday morning. They had a large building with a gym and a huge meeting area for their large family. A kitchen and shop building were attached. The fire broke out in the gym building and it is a total loss. The kitchen and shop were badly damaged as well and if I understand correctly they will have to be replaced too.

Their church, Stone Bible Chapel, is just down the road. They had torn down the church and are in the process of building a new church. While building the church they were having church in the gym so they lost all of their church stuff too. Thankfully nobody was injured but this is a great loss for the family and the church. 

They have been so good to help others build and also rebuild after tragedies and I am confident that God is mindful of the turmoil in their lives right now. Please pray for our friends the Mitch Boggs Family.

Revival continues to go well in Weir, Kansas. We are having a super great time with our friends.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Praise Mob in Weir, Kansas

Have you ever heard of a Praise Mob? We had a Praise Mob at Faith Tabernacle in Weir, Kansas Sunday night. About 40 people from Faith Pentecostal in Miami, Oklahoma crashed the service in Weir and took us all completely by surprise. Pastor Mike Stephens and his folks had an abbreviated service in Miami and then drove over 45 minutes to be with us.

They came in after we had started service and totally floored me. I could not believe it when they all marched in. They really surprised me.

This is a picture of most of the folks that came from Miami as a Praise Mob! They were a super blessing to revival! Isn't that amazing?

They sang, worshiped, prayed and otherwise joined right in to help us have revival. I told Pastor Stephens they have put me in their debt for a long time.

We really got off to a good start at Weir on Sunday. We are so glad to be with Pastor James Fellers and all of his people. It has been two years since we have been here and it is nice to be back. We only have three more nights of revival and we want to make the very best of it.

Our travel went well on Saturday. It is about 160 miles from Bristow, Oklahoma to Weir, Kansas. By 4:00 we were safely in Weir and parked next to the church. It was an absolutely beautiful day to travel. It would be nice if we could keep some of that good weather around a few days. Sunday was beautiful too but as I write this late Sunday night the temperature is dropping fast and the wind is really picking up.

Here we go again. Winter is back for a few days. I hope you had a great weekend.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Smiles For Saturday

Hi it is Odie again.  I hope you had a wonderful week. I have had a fun week here in Bristow, Oklahoma. I have been able to visit with several friends and I have enjoyed it very much. It is hard to believe the week is already over!  

I want to share a couple of smiles with you today. 

You never know what you will find at the mall. I can guarantee that it will probably be interesting. I usually see lots of blog worthy material walking around the mall without even trying to notice. I am going to make a point to capture more of it to share with you. 

In December while Christmas shopping mom and I saw a giant cookie walking through the mall.  Mom said she was not going to chase a cookie around the crowed mall just for a picture. Sadly I could not get close enough to get a picture. 

Back in November at The Florida Mall in Orlando we spotted a lady with a taco on her head. Yes, you read that correctly, a taco on her head. She was a live advertisement for Taco Bell's Doritos Locos Tacos. I love people with a sense of humor!!  I wanted to say, "Ma'am, do you know there is a taco on your head?"

She was great and quickly posed for a couple of pictures. 

If you need some more smile watch the video linked below. It was recorded last Saturday night in Terrell, Texas. It stars 2 and a half year old Ayden Yeary with his uncle Ben Isaacs. Ayden is a sweetheart!

Have a wonderful weekend!!
