Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cold, Snow, Family and Food

I hope you are having a good weekend and I hope the weather is warm and sunny. The projected low for Friday night was only 13 but as you can see in the picture below the word did not get out to the proper authorities. We had a good dose of snow by Saturday morning and it snowed most of the day. It finally made it up to almost 30 degrees on Saturday and it felt great. 

Lunch Saturday found us at Acapulco with my brother Steve and his wife Karen.

I wonder who's California Burrito that is?

We had a wonderful time visiting with Steve and Karen as we always do and of course the food was great. We went to WalMart too and if it had not been for a voice of reason (Coming out of the mouth of our wives) my Bubba and I would have rode through the store in the electric wheel chairs. As Karen said, "There needs to be at least one adult in every crowd."

Saturday evening we went to my parents for supper and visited with all of the family that could come. My sister and her husband were working and my little brother was working too. Mom prepared a great meal and I ate until my heart was content. We had a super great time. I din not take one single picture the whole evening. I must be falling down on my job. 

This is really the last evening that we will have free at home. We sure did enjoy it but I am ready to climb back into the saddle. I love family. I love friends. I love evenings with nothing to do but sit and talk. But I am called to be an evangelist and I love revival too. We will be in revival at Corwin Sunday through Wednesday and then we plan to hit the road early Thursday morning.

If you live any where close we would love for you to visit us at Corwin Pentecostal Church. The service starts at 6:30 Sunday night and at 7:00 Monday through Wednesday. The Corwin church is only a mile from where I was raised and where my parents still live. Kelly Jo and I both attended special services there a lot as kids and we are related to most of the folks there. But last year was our very first revival there. 

We only had about four nights available the last time but we had a wonderful revival. We only have four nights this time and we are expecting God to help us again. I appreciate Pastor Acy Lamb inviting us to be with them at Corwin. Please come and visit the revival if you can.

We are going to Dryden Rd. church this morning. I am supposed to preach unless I can talk my Pastor into preaching to me. He has been under the weather this week so I will preach if he needs me too. Odie is still not feeling great either. Hopefully she will be able to get out for church tonight.

God bless you all.
