Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Very Special Visitors

We had some very special visitors Tuesday night in revival here in Neosho. We had folks all the way from Sullivan, Missouri. That is probably about a four hour drive. We preached several times for Bro. Graham at Sullivan and we love and appreciate the church and family so very much.

Bro. Graham passed away suddenly in late 2010 and now his son in law, Bro. Ryan Martin is the pastor. Bro. Ryan, his wife, their four children, Sis. Graham and Steven Graham came down to be in revival service with us. I was totally surprised and pleased that they came.

God has certainly blessed us with friends and these folks from Sullivan have offered up proof once again that He has. I would not drive four hours to hear me preached. Lol. They stayed around afterward and visited and it was wonderful to spend some time with old friends.

Tuesday night was a really good service. The Lord ministered to several folks and built our faith. I believe we will hear some testimonies of God working in special needs and situations in that service. Praise God.

Tuesday we also made our first visit of the year to El Charro. Bro. and Sis. Zerbel treated us all to lunch and we appreciate it very much.

The food was very good and the fellowship was even better. El Charro has changed their salsa and it is a change for the better. Wow it was good. I think we will be back there again this week.

On a very serious note, we often ask you to pray for us out here on the road. Things can go so wrong so quick and an accident can become a tragedy in a moments time. We were reminded of that again the last two days.

A tour bus from Canada hit black ice on I-84 in Oregon and crashed through the guardrail and went at least 200 feet down an embankment. 9 people were killed and nearly 40 were injured.

That is why we plead with you to pray for us every time we travel. An accident like that could happen so easily. Thank God for His help. Join us in praying for the families of the victims and for the survivors.

God bless you.
