Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tent Goes Up in Claremore, Oklahoma

Tent set up went great in Claremore, Oklahoma. We are set up behind Westside Holiness Church and plan to crank up tent revival tonight. This is the first time we have set up the whole 48x70 tent and it looks great. The pictures below come from three cameras so they are not in order. Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Who's Your Daddy?

We finished our trip to Claremore, Oklahoma yesterday. After we were parked we went to Tulsa to buy some things we needed for the tent.

The place we needed to go just happened to be near one of our favorite Ron's locations so we took Caleb there for his first visit. It was good as usual. Cheesy and Greasy, that's my motto!

We laid out the stake line Friday evening so when help arrives this morning we can get started driving stakes right away. Bro Jimmy Milikin joined us and as usual he was working hard.

Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Shauna invited us over later for dinner and we really enjoyed the food and the fellowship. We are excited to be working with the Millikin's again in tent revival.

Claremore is their home church so this week they get to be home and in tent revival too. That is a pretty good combination.

Pastor Darrell Meadow and the church seem real excited about tent revival. We are expecting God to save, bless and heal. Please pray for us.


Who's Your Daddy? Is the name of this bad boy.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Random Stuff

Below you will find a few more pictures from tent revival in Owensburg and Supper last night. The last service was great and the tent came down smoother than ever. The Tunnel Hill folks worked super great and everything was packed in a jiffy.

We hooked up to the trailer and left Thursday morning. We had a great day of travel. We made almost 500 miles and parked in our familiar spot behind Lambert's in Ozark, Missouri. We would have probably driven farther but one of our new trailer tires started leaking. I put air in it twice but decided I better stop and put on the spare.

As we were changing the tire a man in another RV offered to take it and have it fixed but it was pretty late and most tire stores were closed. It was a very nice and thoughtful gesture though. We will drive the last 160 miles on the spare and take the new tire some where in Claremore. I can not see a reason for the leak at all and we are so thankful we caught it.

Speaking of nice gestures, we have had $1,100 promised toward the batteries. That is almost half of what we need to buy the cheaper ones. I had already ordered them by faith from my friend's friend that owns a battery business. These are the cheaper ones I mentioned at $306 each. I cried most of the way around St. Louis today while I was praising God for His goodness.

Finishing the trip today, by His grace.

God bless,

