Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Not Everything Goes Well

Great, great, great service tonight under the tent in Owensburg! God is helping each night. Keep praying for us.
We are incredibly blessed by God in so many areas. I give God praise on a regular basis on this blog detailing some of the wonderful events that God orchestrates in our lives.

I can not tell it all. There is no way I can praise Him enough for his blessings. He daily loads us with benefits. God is so good.

Yet, Not Everything Goes Well. In fact it seems like some days are pre-stamped "bad day" before they are even started. But that does not mean that God is any less good or deserves less glory on those bad days.

Life happens. Cars break down. People get the flu. Drivers cut you off in traffic. It rains and floods. The wind blows too hard. A thief steals your laptop. A liar focuses his attention on you. The Doctor gives you bad news.

Is God asleep at the wheel on those days and at those moments? Absolutely not!

Ecclesiastes 9:11 "..time and chance happeneth to them all."

Matthew 5:45 "...for He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust."

Life happens and God is still God! Most of the time when I look closely I can find God doing something special even in the difficult times.

You all know I hate mechanical trouble. I hate the unknown of vehicle problems. Yet I often find God working when I am totally confused and frustrated.

I knew when the tent trailer was given to us that buying a set of six tires was in the future. The tread looked great but they have some years on them and they have been sitting for quite a while. That is a bad combination.

I convinced myself that I could get a year of use out of them and determined to keep a close eye on them.

I climbed out of the bus when we arrived at Tunnel Hill Church on Saturday and saw that one of them has a huge bulge in the sidewall. It could have blown at any moment.

I do not want to buy a set of tires. It could require a $1000 or more for six of the proper tires and it couldn't come at a worse time.

Or could it?

It could have blown on the interstate causing lots of damage or even a terrible accident.

It could have blown Saturday when I was super pressed for time and caused me not to make it to Owensburg on time to raise the tent.

And the list of bad possibilities goes on and on...

But now I can replace these tires in a parking lot and not on an interstate or curvy state highway with no shoulder.

I can shop for better prices rather than pay the going rip-off rate along side the road.

You see what I mean? Even in trouble God is working.

I know some of you are facing much worse situations than replacing a set of tires. You see no bright spots at all in where you are today or what you are facing tomorrow. Some of you can not imagine a worst case scenario.

But God is still God and still loves you and is still working for you. You can rest assured that God has a plan and that He is working His plan.

He may not come when you want Him but He'll be there right on time!

Trust is very hard, Especially blind trust. But God will bring it all around for our good. He is trying to conform us to the image of Christ and most of us have a long way to go! Friend, you can trust God!

One more thought about my tires....

Could it be that when I stopped a few weeks ago along I-75 in Ohio on a busy day when I was in a rush to get some where important and changed a tire on an RV for an older couple that could not help themselves and refused their money that God noticed???

Yep, and He payed it forward.

God bless you all.
