Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Citronelle Tent Revival Tuesday Night

We had another great day of tent revival in Citronelle. Good crowd, good service and good altar service. The community is responding well and we are praising God for it.

Although we are only having church at night, a lady prayed for salvation under the tent Tuesday morning. I was praying when she came under the tent inquiring about service time. She was under heavy conviction so after a few moments of conversation I told her there was no sense in waiting for service when she could get saved right then.

She knelt down at a chair and poured her heart out to God for 15-20 minutes. I was so full of joy I was about to climb the tent pole. She left a puddle of tears in the chair and I was crying for quite a while even after she left. It absolutely tore me up! Praise God!

That is the whole reason I am out here. There are numbers of people that are not going to come into our churches and I feel a responsibility to go after them. I want to do my best to take church and the Gospel message to as many as possible.

Yes, it would be easier and cheaper to show up at churches and preach revival and move on but God has directed us to this. I do not know how long it will last or how long I can hold up but I am enjoying watching God work.

Here are a few pictures from last night. I really like the pictures at twilight. I hope you are not getting tired of the pictures.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Citronelle Tent Revival Monday Night

Monday night was what tent revival is all about! Saints worshiping, God reaching, sinners responding, saints receiving and rejoicing and the evangelist absolutely beside himself with joy! Wow! It makes every mile driven, dollar spent, prayer prayed and meal missed worth it all.

If you can't tell, I am having the time of my life! Praise God for His help. He came so near in the service and I am so very, very thankful.

Here are a few pictures. Thanks for the comments, texts and emails. Hope you enjoy...
