Monday, October 31, 2011


Hank The West Plains Church Dog is getting quite a fan base on my blog so I am posting his Happy howl-o-ween picture courtesy of the Galiher's. He is such a ham, I mean Hank.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Travel Day- Florence, Montana to Atwater, California

After a full day on Friday, Saturday started at 3:15 and we left for the airport at 4. A layover in Salt Lake City, arrival in Fresno, a stop at Black Bear Diner, an evening with the Burris clan, homemade chocolate chip cookie dough blizzards and fresh chocolate chip cookies, a good nights rest and we are ready to go. Hey, we are Almost as good as new!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nathan Jeffreys and Leah Metzger Wedding

Update: Added five pictures from Odie's phone to the bottom of the post.

Nathan and Leah are now Mr. and Mrs Nathan Jeffreys. The wedding was beautiful. Here are some pictures to prove it. It's late Friday night as I load these and we leave for the airport at 4:15 in the morning so this is all you get....

Next stop... California!


Rehearsal on Thursday

Friday the big day...


From Odie's phone