Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Iowa 80 The World's Largest Truck Stop

On the way to Independence last week we stopped by the World's Largest Truck Stop. I am not sure what they measure to claim the title of World's Largest but I am pretty sure that whatever measuring stick you choose... They Win! They have a huge lot, huge store, semi trucks and trailers INSIDE, a food court that would rival some malls and airports and a whole other section devoted to the professional drivers. It is a neat place.

Odie, our poor deprived little girl, was well familiar with the Iowa 80 World's Largest Truck Stop. She has been a radio junky since she was very small and has listened for years to the overnight trucking shows when nothing else was on the radio. She's heard the Trucking Bozo and countless others broadcasting live from this place all her life. My baby knew more about the price of diesel, trucking regulations, speed limits, speed traps and truck stops by the time she was 10 years old than anybody I know! It is hilarious!

It was a pretty cool stop and a place we definitely need to stop again.


Kelly Jo was investigating possible modes of travel. We have tried cars, vans, pickups, fifth wheels and buses. Is a semi next?

The BoggsMobile tucked in among the trucks.