Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ruckersville, Virginia Tent Revival

We set the tent up about 2 miles west of Ruckersville, Virginia on Saturday. We will be working with Bro. Eddie Deane and his family again this week like we did in Elkton for the last tent revival. In fact we are only about 20 miles from the site of that meeting. Elkton is on the west side of the mountain and now we are on the east side of the mountain. The Deanes live on this side so a lot of folks are excited about the revival. I can't wait to see what God is going to do. We start tonight so please ask God to give us souls in this place.

We have had 24 service under the tent so far this year. 24 services in 3 states and 4 cities and not one service interrupted by rain. I am asking God to allow that to continue but if He sends the rain I know there are many folks praying for rain across the country.

We have very little phone service this week so I will have to depend on Odie to post pictures from the meeting. Hopefully we can put some up.

God bless you all.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Mother Dear - Martha Boggs

There is one common denominator in each picture below. It is my beautiful Mother. Today is her birthday and I want wish her a very Happy Birthday! I love you so very much, Mom!

Leave her a Happy Birthday wish in the comments. Maybe that will make up for her birthday card not reaching her in time. Lol

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day Trip To D.C.

Yesterday Sis. Taylor took Mom and I to Washington D.C. We have been there twice before, but it was nice to visit again. I love the history of our Nation.

Mom and I went on a tour of the Capitol. We have driven by but had never been inside. It was so neat to be in the Rotunda, the Cript, and the Statue Hall of the Capitol. The tour kept us moving alot. There was not much time for pics. We did get a few phone pics, I forgot my big camera.

Capitol Building

The Dome

A portion of the beautiful paintings circling the Rotunda. Different scenes depict historic events of our, country.

Statue Hall is the former meeting place of The House of Representatives. John Quincey Adams desk used to be at this spot.

We tried to get tickets to go up in the Washington Monument. They were sold out for the day.

After the Capitol we went to the Newseum, it is a news museum. It was an extremely interesting place! We did not have enough time to see much of it. I needed a couple of days since I am a news junkie.

A piece of the Berlin Wall

They had a nice exhibit on 9-11-01. It included many interesting things. One thing they have displayed is a, broadcast antenna. It was on top of the Towers.

It was neat to see interviews of the journalist who were on the front lines bringing us the news that horrible day. They risked their lives to do their jobs. These men and woman were shocked and grieving just like the rest of us. I was once again reminded of sitting on my parents bed all day glued to the radio. I am thankful someone was there willing to be persistent and tell the world what was happening!

Sis. Taylor & Mom on the Glass Elevator

Sis.Taylor & Odie on top of the Newseum

We had a great day!! I am sure we will remember it for a long time. Thanks to Sis. Taylor for showing us around.
