Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hiouchi, CA to Manteca, CA

The word of the day for Friday was SLOW..... VERY SLOW! We traveled well over 400 miles but the first 324 miles were the most interesting. We finished Hwy 199, then South on Hwy 101 for over 235 miles and then Hwy 20 for about 80 miles. The whole distance was steep mountains, sharp curves and narrow passes. I rarely reached 50 mph until I reached the interstate after almost 9 hours. Here are the stats on the first 324 miles. It took us between 8 1/2 and 9 hours for an average of 37.8 mph. Like I said, the word of the day was SLOW.
We took it slow and easy and watched the scenery go by and enjoyed seeing the things our God has made. We saw miles and miles of Redwoods, mountains, the Pacific Ocean, fog, sunshine, cliffs and sandy beaches. It was another beautiful drive. I am trying to embed a map of today's drive. Let me know if that works. If it does I may do that on travels day when I have access to the internet.

These first two curves were within 3 miles our campground this morning.... These were followed by several hundred more curves....

Reckon this tree has been hit a few times by folks just like us trying to get around this curve without getting in the oncoming lane? I was prepared...I drove in the oncoming lane....

The fog was very thick for an hour or so as it rolled off the ocean and over the road.

We stopped for a few quick pictures several miles South of Crescent City. It would have been a great time for a swim since there was nobody else there but Kelly Jo doesn't believe in swimming when you have to wear a hat, coat and gloves to do it...

I am sure the BoggsMobile has been to the Pacific Ocean before (The first owner lived in southern California) but today was the first time we brought her to the ocean. I asked her to pose for a picture in front of the waves. She didn't want to since we have been on the road for days without a washing but she posed anyway!

The rest of the day was pretty much more of the same (Pictures below) and worth every mile of it. We did drive past Clear Lake for several miles on Hwy 20 but no pictures... It was gorgeous though.

We are in a RV Park in Manteca. We arrived just at dark and it took us about 20 minutes to unhook the jeep, pull into the site and level up. In the process I was accosted and cussed by a very dissatisfied neighbor from a few sites down because I was a "rich guy idling my diesel so everybody in the campground knows I have a diesel." That is not an exact quote because he kept using the same curse word for a filler every three or four syllables. I tried being kind but that just welcomed him right into my face so I ask him where he went to school. That kind of knocked him back on his heals as it always does. He told me he went to school all over and I told him he didn't get a very good education because he only learned one word and it was vulgar. He slowed for a bit then kept repeating himself. Our immediate neighbors were as appalled as we were and they told me I shut the engine off over an hour before quiet time.

Well, we meet some interesting characters out here on the road. We rarely cross paths with folks who refuse to get along but tonight was an exception. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk with him in the morning before we leave.

We are only about 60 miles from our destination and we are ready.....
God bless you all.


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Friday, August 13, 2010

Hiking the Stout Grove Trail

Kelly Jo and I drove back to the beautiful road through the redwoods to do some hiking on Thursday....

But first we needed some KFC for a picnic under the majestic trees. It was finger licking good!

We headed for the trail that leads down to the Stout Memorial Grove.

We stocked up on water before we picked up the chicken. If a fat boy is going to hike he needs huge amounts of water! No sense in getting dehydrated out in the redwood wilderness...

Full of chicken and stocked up on H2O we hit the trail!

This particular grove was donated as a memorial in 1929 by the widow of Frank D. Stout who made several fortunes in the timber industry.

Here is Kelly Jo standing by the roots of a tree that fell many years ago.

This place is awesome! We can't get enough of all these massive trees!

Anyway, we had a great day.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jedediah Smith State and National Parks (Redwoods)

The most beautiful Redwoods that we have seen are in Jedediah Smith State and National Park near Crescent City, California. We came through here in June of 2005 on our way to some of the same churches we will be preaching in the next several weeks. We found a campground in the evening and ask about pretty drives in the area. A ranger directed us to a gravel road that runs through the Stout Grove. He said we would like it and we did. It is a 6 mile drive right though the heart of a fabulous grove of Redwoods. In 2005 Kelly Jo and Odie road in the back of the truck so they could take it all in. Kelly Jo thought about climbing on the luggage rack on Mr. Cheap Jeep this time but we forgot the bungee straps and it was pretty chilly!

After five years of dreaming we made this drive again Wednesday evening and it was just as great as we remembered it. We love it so well we will probably drive it again before we leave. Please enjoy the pictures and let us know what you think.

Hope you all had a great day as well...


Sutherlin, Oregon to Crescent City, California

Two Posts for Wednesday's travel.

We left Sutherlin, Oregon around mid morning and headed south on I-5 to Grants Pass. It was a mountain drive the whole distance. 5 and 6 percent grades up and down constantly and beauty at every turn.

This was a 6% grade going up for several miles. This trucker was nice enough to drive on the shoulder so as not to impede the flow of traffic. Because there were no straight runs to build up steam it was very hard to make any time going up hill. I went down the steep and curvy slopes very slowly so this guy would barrel pasted me going down and I would pass him going up. I passed him on this hill in third gear going 42 mph! I would say I used a fair amount of diesel today...

At Grants Pass we exited onto Hwy 199. It is very curvy, steep and narrow in places but it is the only way to cut over to the coast at that point. It is about 85 miles over to Crescent City, California. We took our time and enjoyed the scenery all the way through. There were several times I wanted to take pictures out the windshield but two hands on the wheel were required to stay on the road.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Visit With The Morgans

Hello friends!!!!
Yes I am still alive in Ohio! Having a wonderful time with my family. Last week I spent 6 days with the Morgan crew in Hillsboro.

At Gran and Papaw's you have to sit in the right spot to even get a text through with Verizon. So that is why I was absent last week. Monday night I starting typing a Blog. Yesterday afternoon I had it almost completed when my fat fingers deleted the whole thing. I was not happy!!!!

Now back to Hillsboro, I am so very glad I got to stay with Gran and Papaw last week. I think this was my longest visit there. Usually on trips home I only get brief visits to Hillsboro so I cherish my extended visits. Thanks Gran and Papaw for a great week!!! I love you!

Our family always has something to laugh about. One of us usually does something crazy when we are together. I have couple new Papaw stories but I won't post them here. Just ask me to tell you next time I see you. LOL Papaw, Thanks for all the trips to Dairy Queen!

You all already know I LOVE my all my cousins. I had to wait 8 years before I ever had a first cousin the Morgan side. Courtney, Kayla, Hunter, Morgan, Wade and Seth are all 6 of the world's best cousins! I got to spend time with all of them. If you live near Hillsboro watch out Courtney now has her license. Courtney, I'm proud of you!!!!

August 3rd was Papaw's birthday. I was so glad to be there to join in the celebration. We just had pizza, cake, and ice cream. What could be better?

Now I am back in Waynesville. Its still HOT! I have some random Boggs shots I'll try to post soon.


Odie Boggs Visit Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry