Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2004 Kountry Star

 Any one recognize this?  This was our home for four years. It now belongs to the Landress family and they parked next to us the last 5 nights. They came for the last night of revival in Miami and then moved with us to Carthage, MO. We enjoyed being with them in church and the great fellowship as well. Bro. Larry & Sis. Rosemary are missionaries to Mexico and have been dear friends of ours for years.

 The McCroreys brought their 5th wheel and parked on the other side of us for a few nights as well. We all had a great big time. We are blessed with some tremendous friends and we thank God for them.

 We are now in Weir, KS with Pastor James Fellers and his fine folks. This is our 8th year in a row here and we love coming here.  We will tell more about it later.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Seneca, MO

We had a great weekend. We spent both services today with Pastor
George & Sis. Tammy Davis near Seneca, MO. Their church is Lighthouse
Ministries. We love being with them and their fine folks.

Bro. Davis had a pretty serious heart scare the past few weeks but
found out Friday he has no blockages. The previous tests indicated
some blockages so we are praising God for a miracle. God is Good.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Clarmore Group in Haiti

Good News! We just received word that the group from the Claremore church is now out of Haiti. Bro. David Lloyd found a bus bound for the Dominican Republic, they boarded and are now across the border. If they can make it to the airport in time this evening they are hoping to catch a flight to Puerto Rico tonight then hopefully catch a flight to the U.S. tomorrow. Please continue to pray for them as they still need the help of the Lord. I believe all this information to be correct.
The Lloyds have stayed behind to tend to their enormous work. They are in desperate need of supplies and finance. Please pray for them and the many children they care for. I will try to post two links so you can find out more information about the Lloyds and to donate if you choose to do so. You may have to copy and paste the link.
God bless you all.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Birthday Time Again

"Today is your Birthday Happy Happy Birthday today is your Birthday Happy Birthday hey!!!" Wishing my Aunt Jeanna Morgan a great and happy day.
Davy, Kelly & Odie

Odie Boggs Visit Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

The Stephens

Pastor Mike Stephens and his wife Sis. Ruth Stephens. They Pastor
the Faith Pentecostal Church in Miami, OK where we are in revival this
week. We are having a great time getting better acquainted.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Schedule Change & Prayer Request

We have a schedule change for the next few days. We originally were scheduled to close revival here in Miami tonight and to start revival tomorrow night in Seneca, MO for Bro. George Davis. However, Bro. Davis is having some heart tests this week so we will only be there on Sunday the 17th. We will continue here at Miami with Bro. Stephens through Friday. Services have been great so we are looking forward to the next three nights.
Please Pray for the people of Haiti. As you know the devastation from the earthquake is terrible. Please especially remember the Lloyds. They have their home, church, schools and orphanage there. They are safe but in need of protection and provision until things settle down. There is also a group visiting the Lloyds from their home church, Westside Holiness Church in Claremoore, OK where we preached Sunday morning. They were supposed to fly home early this morning but will be delayed several days at least. I'm sure that there is much to be concerned about in this present situation. Please pray for them and their parents and church.
God bless everyone,