Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sat. 11/28/09

This church is an offspring of Bro. Shobanke's church. It is also
called Christ Ambassadors Holiness Church. The Pastor is Rev. Lawrence
T. Ariyo. He Is a fine man that I met last time. They had moved
everything outside for a one night Healing & Salvation Revival. They
went to a lot of work & expense for one night and God honored us with
His presence. The next few pics were taken with my phone.
Praise God we are off to a good start.

First Service Abeokuta

We went across the city of Abeokuta about 30-40 minutes and then off
the main road. After a while we started seeing signs like these. It
says "Welcome Rev. E. A. Shobanke; Evang. D. Boggs& Family"

Saturday Lunch

Very good Fried Chips (French Fries)

Friday, November 27, 2009


Bro. Shobanke came to the hotel today and brought some drinking
water and stayed for a great visit. We talked about the meetings to be
held the next two weeks and caught up on news here and in the US. The
pic is Bro. Shobanke praying for Odie during that visit. Bro.
Shobanke is a man of faith and is believing God to heal Odie while we
are here. We appreciate all the folks here And in the US that are
daily praying for Odie to receive a miracle. I can't think of a better
time than tonight!
I can only add one pic at a time when I email updates to the blog
so I noticed it keeps pushing updates down the page and then off the
page. So if you only check once a day or less you might have to click
on "older posts" to see everything that has been added. Or if you
notice the sidebar on the left lists all the post. You might be able
to keep track like that.
We are still having a good time just trying to stay awake until bed
time so we can get adjusted to the time difference. We've been
studying, writing in journals and playing word games.
Thanks for praying. Please comment or send us an email to let us
know you're reading. Thanks

A Lizard of Some Kind With An Orange Head

Front Desk Staff

Everyone is so nice to us here.