Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Family In Ohio

Monday night before Dryden Rd. Campmeeting some of our family gathered at Dad and Mom's barn for one last gathering before we hit the road. Dad fried some fish and hush puppies for everybody and it was all so good. Since Dad built his new barn a few years ago it has been the focal point of our family gatherings. We had outgrown the house a long time ago so it is nice to have a place to gather. Not everybody could make it that night but it was good to spend time with family. With tent revival, Dodd's Homecoming and Dryden Rd. Campmeeting this was one of our longest stays at home is several years. We enjoyed seeing everybody and spending time with them. It was especially good to be in church with them all.
Hope you enjoy the pictures.


If you can't tell, I think Dad's 1967 Airstream makes a great backdrop for pictures.