Monday, October 13, 2014

Great Sunday in Bloomington, California

It is wonderful to be back with Pastor John Deatherage and the Pentecostal Churuch of God in Bloomington, California. We are having fun getting better acquainted with these fine folks. I am sure this is going to be a tremendous week. The weather is perfect, the people are friendly and revival is in the air!

Sunday was full and busy with church and we enjoyed it very much. We had services in Bloomington Sunday morning and Sunday night and service at a branch church in Lytle Creek at 2:00 PM. These folks are hungry to see folks saved and for Christ to make a difference in their lives. I love that! God is honoring them for their desire to reach out and we are blessed to be a part of that.

Sunday Morning

Bro. Jonathon and Sis. Melinda Taylor are attending church here while Bro. Jonathon is working in this area. They normally attend Amazing Grace in Atwater where we are going to be next week. It was great to see them.

We went to the branch church at Lytle Creek Sunday afternoon. The drive up to Lytle Creek is beautiful. I mean absolutely beautiful. We will try to get some pictures and post them later in the week

Back at Bloomington for Sunday evening service.

Our new friend Freddie has a killer smile!

I love this picture.

I hope you had a great Sunday too. Thanks for reading.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

View Out The Front Window October 12, 2014

The drive Saturday from El Mirage, Arizona to Bloomington, California was uneventful but very beautiful. The sun was shining on the desert and the mountains as we drove through. We were oohing and aaahing all day long. It was very nice.

I really have no explanation for this super gigantic pumpkin on the hill. It was not the only one!

There is no way to capture the beauty of the drive with an iPhone camera catching the reflections in the window.

After about 320 miles we pulled into Bloomington Pentecostal Church of God about 4:30. We stopped once at a Rest Area and once at the state line to top off with diesel. We only needed 1/2 tank but it was 30 cents cheaper in Arizona. 

We were last in Bloomington in October 2010. That was our first visit and it was only for a weekend. We were really impressed with Pastor John Deatherage and his family and church in those two services. They have a tremendous burden for souls. We are so glad to be here again. 

We literally slipped in the back this time but there is a very good reason for that. The front entrance to the church is very tricky to navigate in the BoggsMobile and we had a very tense and exciting day getting out of the exit on the day we were leaving in 2010. You can see pictures and read the story HERE

This time Pastor Deatherage had trimmed the tree in the back so we came in that entrance. Although the approach made it a little tight we pulled in without much trouble at all. Kelly Jo is quite a driver!

They have a nice big concrete parking lot with plenty of room to park and nice hook ups.

Choir practice Saturday evening.

This is our view for the next several days here in Bloomington.

Our the front door.

Out the front window.

We are expecting a super great Sunday and wonderful week of revival too. 

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

View From The Plane Window.

Hey friends! Odie here and it is Saturday once again. I hope you have had a superb week. As always we have immensely enjoyed our time in Arizona. It has come to an end much too quickly for us.

The Lord graced us with His presence every service. It was extremely special to feel Him so very near to us!  To me it was a gentle nudge that He is concerned about us! God is so amazing and I feel so blessed to be His child. 

Our El Mirage friends have treated us like royalty this week and we have enjoyed every second of it. We have been coming here since I was 17 years old and we have always enjoyed it. We will cry a little bit when it is time to pull away this morning.

Today our plan is to drive to Bloomington, California in the BoggsMobile. I am excited to be taking the bus back to California. Although we have been back nearly every year, it has been four years since we've had the bus there with us.  We are looking forward to having a great time on our adventures in the state over the next several weeks.  Stay tuned to find out what exciting things are happening in our lives. 

We do have revival in Bloomington starting Sunday and then we move on to Atwater. If you are able at all I know you will want to be part of the church dedication service with Amazing Grace Holiness Tabernacle at 12:00 noon on Saturday October 25th. I know it is going to be a special day.

Last Saturday I flew from Mississippi to meet my parents in Arizona. I am very thankful to report I had smooth flights and made it safely back to their care. Mom had a super delicious burrito waiting on me in the car when I landed in Phoenix!  It was yummy and a great welcome to Arizona. Thanks, Dad, for thinking of me. You knew the first thing I would asked for when I hit the ground!

Thanks again to the Morris Family for having me in your home! It was hard to say a final "see ya later" early last Saturday. My flight left Gulfport, Mississippi at 5:55 AM so it was a very early morning.  I had a window seat all to myself on the first flight. Here are the pictures I caught from the window.

From Houston to Phoenix I had an aisle seat. So I did not get any window pictures. I was able to get some much needed sleep. My seat mates also slept most of the flight. I tried to get an inconspicuous picture. 

I know we were all happy to reach Phoenix. I praise God for traveling mercies! I love being able to travel on my own. I have another big adventure in 128 days! 

Have a great weekend!  I hope all my Ohio readers enjoy the Sauerkraut Festival this weekend!  I wish I could be home in Waynesville to enjoy it with you. Eat lots of Sauerkraut for me.
