Saturday, April 30, 2022

Introducing Arlo Walker Boggs

Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you one more time from the beautiful state of Virginia. Tomorrow is the beginning of our final week of this Virginia tour.

We are looking forward to Homecoming and revival this week in Elkton. It is always great to be with Pastor Brent Gabbard and all of our friends at Bible Holiness Church.

You are invited to join us for the services too!  If you are not close enough to attend revival, in person, at Bible Holiness Church. The services will also be on YouTube. 

Here is a link to the BHC YouTube channel. I really enjoy the online services at BHC! Bro. Matt Sponaugle and everyone on the tech team does a fantastic job!

Meet Arlo Walker Boggs
Today I want to introduce you to another baby cousin! I love all of my cousin's babies! I feel like I am more of an aunt than a cousin. Each one of them holds a special place in Auntie O's heart!

Arlo Walker Boggs is the newest member of our branch of the Boggs Family. We think he is a precious baby boy!

Arlo's pictures melt my heart! I hope you are prepared for a cuteness overload with all of these baby photos!

Arlo is the son of my cousin Victor and Emily Boggs. They welcomed their bundle of joy on Sunday, April 10 2022. 

Fun fact about his arrival: Arlo was born at 4:10pm on 4/10/22. He weighed in at 8lbs 1oz and 21in.


Arlo Walker Boggs is already on his way to being a big boy. I imagine he will be tall like his Daddy.

We are thrilled to welcome Arlo Walker to our family! I love the little guy so much! He already knows how to make me smile!

As these pictures show, 3 year old JoJo is happy to be a big sister. She is thrilled with her new role in life! 

It will be fun to watch her be a little Mommy to him. I know JoJo will be a fantastic sister!

Congratulations to Victor, Emily and JoJo on your new family member! We love all of you so much! I am excited to watch sweet Arlo Walker grow up! I plan on spoiling him every chance I can!

I will leave you with one more cute picture of Arlo Walker Boggs. I do not know if he is thrilled with the family's puppy! LOL 

Thanks for visiting with me today!
