Monday, August 2, 2021

Weekend Write Up 8/2/21

It will be Monday morning soon and time to begin another week. That means we have closed another wonderful weekend and lived to tell about it.😍

Friday was strictly business for us. KJo and I had an extremely productive day on the barn project and we had Revival Singalong service online Friday evening. Praise God for His wonderful help Friday night.

KJo's grandpa was Dennis Morgan and her grandma was Nancy (Parson) Morgan. Saturday was set aside to attend the Morgan/Parson Reunion. It was held south of New Vienna, Ohio at her Uncle Buster's beautiful place. We enjoyed good food and lots of good fun. Odie took some great pictures. We will post more of them later in the week.

Buster is in the black shirt below. He is Kelly's uncle and the same age she is.

This is KJo's Uncle Raymond Morgan below. I have written about him before.

Sunday we spent the whole day in Taylor Mill, Kentucky with Pastor Chris Oliver and the fine folks at Taylor Mill Pentecostal Church. We have known many of these folks for lots of years and it was super great to be with them again.

Pastor Chris Oliver and his newest grandchild.

We arrived home later than usual Sunday night and I am feeling pretty beat. I am interested in knowing how I will feel when the sun comes up. I suppose I need to get in bed so I have a better chance of feeling human in a few hours.

God bless you all.
