Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My Mind Is Dangerous At Night

I am a vivid dreamer. Kelly Jo tells me I need to write novels or movie scripts from some of the ideas that wander through my head when I am trying to sleep. I am often neck-deep in adventure or preaching or driving or flying without any assistance or running for my life or shooting a gun that will not work.

No wonder I wake up so tired some mornings.

A reoccurring dream that I have involves getting up to preach in front of a large crowd and I can not find my scripture text. Recently, I dreamed I was asked to preach the first service of a new camp meeting aimed at the lost in the inner city. The host introduced me very kindly and I went to the pulpit.

I opened my leather notebook to find my Bible and iPad were gone. What in the world? I looked around on the platform at all of the preachers and a few of them were smiling at me. Someone had taken by Bible and notes and the grinning preachers knew it.

Thankfully, someone asked to testify and that gave me a few minutes to gather my thoughts. The trouble was, my thoughts would not gather. At that moment, I was not even sure of my name.

I started sputtering to the congregation that my Bible had been stolen and I woke up! Whew!

That reminded me of a nightmare I had years ago. We were somewhere preaching revival and I got a call from a church that I have never been to before. I did not know anyone from the church and no one knew me, at least I thought no one knew me.

The call was from the head deacon. He was calling to tell me the church wanted me to be their Pastor. I asked him when they wanted me to start and he gave me a date about six weeks off. I told him we would be there.

I never heard another word from him or anyone else in the church for the whole six weeks.

The appointed Sunday morning came and we walked in the door feeling as foolish as we could be. We wondered if they were even expecting us. No one greeted us or welcomed us or said a word to us about being the new Pastor.

After the singing, the deacon got up and introduced me as the new Pastor and told me to come and preach. I walked to the platform, opened my Bible and could not find my scripture.

Here I am, the new Pastor, no one there has ever heard me preach and I can not even find my scripture. I do not know the end of the story. Thankfully, I woke up before they threw me out on my nose.

Be careful sleeping out there. It is a dangerous world.

Thank you for stopping by Mile Markers today.
