Monday, April 5, 2021

Weekend Write Up 4/5/21

Sunday was a beautiful day! We celebrated the resurrection of our Savior by going to church Sunday morning at our home church. It felt good to be back! Our Pastor preached a great Easter message.

There is a side entrance hallway at our church that also goes into our Pastor's office. I sat in the doorway where I could see the platform and enjoyed the service from there. I did that for two reasons.

Number one, this portable oxygen concentrator is not loud. I think it is under 40 decibels. But sitting in a big room when it gets quiet, it sure sounds loud to me. I hate to be a distraction. I already feel self-conscious wearing the oxygen tube.

Secondly, I am doing my best to avoid catching even the common cold right. Being right in the midst of a big crowd does not seem like a great idea at the moment, but I sure wanted to be in church. I think it worked out fine like this.

Odie took a few pictures from the front row.

Sunday was beautiful, but so was Saturday when I took this.

KJo took me for a ride through the country Saturday morning

KJo and Odie spent a few hours with her parents below Hillsboro one day this week. My inlaws have been trying to come up and see us during this hometime, but this was the first time KJo was able to go down and see them.

That was pretty much our weekend. Thank you for stopping by.
