Friday, July 31, 2020

Tent/Cruise-In Revival Starting Tonight at 8:00 PM

Tent/Cruise-In Revival begins tonight at Dodds Pentecostal Church and the Lazy OD Ranch at 8:00 PM! We would love for you to join us in person or on YouTube. Revival is scheduled to run from Friday, July 31 - Friday, August 7.

Thanks, Pastor Doug Stevens for designing the picture above. I love it.

The tent is up, the light are hung and the equipment trailer is in place. Today we will set up the sound system, figure out the FM transmitter, get some bottles of water chilled and a few dozen other things must be done. Oh, yeah, I will try to get ready to preach too.

We were out there working last night a few minutes after 8:00 and the weather was beautiful. Odie took this from her porch.

We are looking forward to tonight.

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope to see you a bit later.
