Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Great First Night of Revival!

Monday Morning Edit:
I woke up with these sentences rolling over in my mind.
We are officially separated in society. However, Revival Stands In The Gap Socially Distant, But Spiritually In Sync

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Wow! You made the first night of online revival a tremendous success. I am writing this very late Monday night and as we prepare to go to bed, Mixlr is telling us there were over 400 individual devices listening and the YouTube Live Steam has been view well over 500 times. Many of those listeners and viewers have told us you were watching with family and friends so that multiplies those statistics tremendously.

I refuse to get totally caught up in numbers, but that does make me feel like we are in the right place doing the right thing.

I will tell you what else convinces me we are in the right place, all of the positive comments, emails, text messages and phone calls we received about the service. Thank you and God bless you for taking the time to be an amazing encouragement to us.

You have assured us that what we felt like doing, having a revival and broadcasting it online, was and is the right thing to do. Thank you very much for that. You have been very kind.

We did have a few technical difficulties at the beginning that caused us to change course on a couple of items, but I THINK we will have those things worked out for Tuesday night.

Laying the technical things aside, Kelly Jo and I felt completely comfortable really quickly. All the nights we have spent under the tent reaching beyond those sitting under the tent and singing and preaching to people we can not see, prepared us for this. That may seem strange, but it is true.

I have spent many hours preaching and pleading with people sitting on their porches, sitting in their cars, walking in the park, working in the garden and a hundred other places. Preaching to people that I can not see listening on Mixlr or watching on YouTube felt remarkably similar.

It really felt great! It felt like God was reaching through me and I love that sensation.

It was very easy to believe that God was speaking well beyond the four walls of that little garage. That is what revival is all about, God speaking directly into the hearts of men and women and bringing hope, healing, deliverance and salvation to men and women that need it.

I believe that God was doing that last night and I expect to hear about it too! Hallelujah! I am excited about revival and I appreciate so many of you telling me that you feel the excitement too!

This first night had overwhelming positive success because some of you made it your business to tell others about the revival. Thank you for that. I understand that everyone may not be able to join us every night, but if you will continue to share the revival links, I believe that God will have the right people tuned in at the right time.

Thank you again and may God bless you all. 

You can go to the YouTube channel of Boggs Family Ministries by clicking on the link. You can find the Boggs Family Ministries Mixlr Here
