Monday, February 3, 2020

What's Up, Weekend?

Friday was our last night of revival in Sweeny and I began the day with the full intentions of leaving after church Friday and making our way across Houston in light traffic late at night. As the day wore on, I lost my will to travel after church and by 10:00 PM I was ready for bed.😀

How bad could traffic be on Saturday morning? Well, it turns out, traffic can be pretty bad in Houston on Saturday morning. However, we made it without any hard braking or near misses. What more can a lazy man ask for?

But I get ahead of my self. The service Friday night was really good. We had visitors for the service and visitors and home folks all were blessed by the presence of the Lord. It was a wonderful way to finish revival. We hated to say goodbye to Pastor Larry Lamb all of our friends at Full Gospel Lighthouse.

We have a few pictures from Friday night.

We actually did not leave Sweeny until late morning and then we stopped twice. With traffic and stopping, the 140 mile drive took us nearly four hours. It was not too bad.

We pulled into Beech Creek Assembly a few minutes after 3:00, parked the bus and hooked up the utilities. By 4:00 we were loading in the sound equipment with help and by 5:30 sound check was finished and we were at our favorite eatery in town with Pastor Don Goodwin and a bunch of his family.

We had wonderful fellowship with our friends and a wonderful meal at Joe's Italian Grill! I do not think that will be our only visit to Joe's this week! We failed to take pictures of our friends, but we did remember our food.

Sunday was a beautiful day and we had two beautiful revival services at Beech Creek Assembly. It was so great to see God working in lives and watching God's people respond. I have a feeling the next five nights are going to be wonderful.

We love being with Pastor Don Goodwin, his family and his church. Our first revival here was in 2013 and this is our fourth revival for them. We hope and pray this one is the best.

Look what we saw in the parking lot of the restaurant at church Sunday.

It was not in super great shape, but it was in better shape than ours. Unfortunately, it was an automatic and you can not pull an automatic Xb with four wheels on the ground. There was no sense at all in stealing it.

Odie took a bunch of pictures Sunday, but we will include them later in the week. That wraps up our weekend. Thank you for reading.
