Saturday, September 28, 2019

My Friend Sis Nelda Creel

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from the BoggsMobile. We have had a fantastic week in Richton, Mississippi. I love every time we see God moving under the tent, but our tent revivals in Richton are always extra special. This time around was wonderful. Pastor Scott Morris and the congregation love to have church with us under the tent. We enjoy our time spent with our friends.

Our home starting today is in Alabama. It is time for us to visit Pastor Donnie Williamson and our Alabama home church at Tanner Williams. Revival is scheduled for Sunday- Friday. Homecoming will round out our visit next Sunday morning. I know from experience that we are going to have a great week in Wilmer, Alabama.

My Friend Sis. Nelda Creel

Occasionally I like to introduce you to my friends that I meet in our travels. I think it is fun to let you see some of the kind people that are usually more in the background. Today I want you to meet Sis. Nelda Creel. She is from First Assembly in Richton, Mississippi. 

Sis. Nela is a true friend to our whole family. She is always encouraging us and welcomes us with open arms on our visits to Richton. She goes out of her way to let us know that we are not forgotten when were are away. 

She is a precious lady that we get the privilege to call our friend. Sis. Nelda sent donations to help complete the house. I know she sacrificed to send the money. Her gifts we extra special to me. I pray that God blesses her!

We got to see Sis. Nelda at tent revival this week. She was there supporting the tent revival. Her smiles and words of encouragement brightened my day. I am thankful for my sweet friend.

Thanks for visiting with me. It was wonderful to have stop by for moment of your day.
