Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Blind Nut Finally Gets A Squirrel

Have you ever hear the idiom "Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while"? The expression means that even if people are ineffective or limited in some way, they can still stumble onto success from time to time.

I butchered that expression once from the pulpit. I was introducing a preacher that was always telling us that he could not preach and that he would not be very interesting. I said, "I know Bro. (Insert name here) is going to tell us that he can not preach, but even a blind nut gets a squirrel once in a while." I did not even catch that I had transposed the nut and the squirrel. 😀

To this day, no one remembers what he preached, but they remember me tripping over my idioms and freefalling face first into my catchy phrase.

To prove the saying true, and you can choose which one, even with all of my stumbling and bumbling, I definitely made a correct decision this past weekend.

Since we were closing revival Sunday at Claremore, we were committed to preaching Monday and Tuesday and possibly Wednesday for Pastor Jason Fellers in Weir, Kansas. We were looking forward to being with our friends in Weir.

Saturday afternoon, the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center raised the severe weather threat level to its second highest level for Monday. They were very confident of severe weather affecting Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas that would include hail, heavy rain, flooding, high winds and tornadoes.

I sent the link to Bro. Fellers and told him I was considering fleeing the wrath to come and he gave me permission to do so. By Sunday night, the forecast was shaping up to be correct and some of the Claremore folks were getting alerts on their phones. We decided to saturate Oklahoma and Kansas with our absence.

By 10:30 PM Sunday night we were gone from Claremore and driving northeast. It turned out that I was right. Although the church in Weir did not receive any damage, the little town of Weir took at least a glancing blow from a tornado. That is way too close for comfort!

It was a horrible afternoon, evening and night for many thousands of people in the southern and central plains. We were completely correct in missing that party. By the time the bad weather descended in northeast Oklahoma and southeast Kansas I was hundreds of miles away sweeping across beautiful Indiana with sunny skies above.

Yep, even a blind nut gets a squirrel once in a while. Picture proof below.

Wednesday night there was another swarm of tornadoes in the same area and lots and lots of flooding. I have not heard this morning if there was any damage in Claremore or Weir from all of that. We are very thankful to have made the decision to vacate. That's why God put wheels on buses! Thank you for reading.


These pictures are from Weir, Kansas Monday evening.