Thursday, April 4, 2019

Revival In Pictures - Beechfork Holiness Church

We normally post Revival In Pictures on Friday, but today is the beginning of PFYC in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee so I am making room for the many pictures that Odie will be taking. Friday we should have a million few dozen pictures to put up here for your enjoyment.

That means that today is Revival In Pictures from Beechfork Holiness Church. We have had a wonderful time with our dear friends at Beechfork. The affection for these dear folks resides deep down in our hearts. We love being here.

The only good thing about closing revival Wednesday night is that we will get to see several of the people from Beechfork later today and tomorrow at PFYC. Yay!

Now I will leave you to the pictures of our friends. Thank you for checking in on us today.
