Tuesday, May 29, 2018

75th Birthday - Eugene Boggs

Monday was Memorial Day in the USA and also my Dad's 75th Birthday. Our family had a big meal planned and invited a lot of Dad's family. Dad had two sisters, a brother in law, a sister in law, all of his kids and all of his grandkids plus a bunch of nieces, nephew, inlaws, an Uncle, Aunt and more there. It was quite a shindig!

We went over about 1:30 and stayed for two hours. The celebration lasted several more hours but Kelly and I went back to the house to work some more. We had a great meal and it was wonderful to see so many that we do not see on a regular basis.

I hope Dad had a great birthday because we had a great time eating our way through it! Delicious!

Odie and others snapped a bunch of pictures and you can see all of them below.

Later in the evening several of the family came to the barn and helped us do a bunch of moving, working and shuffling in the tent trailer. That is a whole other story in itself and I will post about that another day.

I hope you enjoy the Memorial Day/75th Eugene Boggs Birthday pictures. Thank you for coming in to sit a spell.


All the veterans there today. These men represent service from WWII until just recently.

Dad and Mom and all of us chitlins.

Mom and Dad and Dad's two sisters.

The same group of above the a brother in law, sister in law and uncle and aunt added in.

Mom and Dad and the grandchildren.